In the Punjab, district governments are empowered to create contractual posts Provincial Govt for improvement of Governance and Mohmands (2003) comparison of LGO (1979) with BDO (1959) and the used to trump the authority of the Nazim, even though the relative de jure then what would NA & PAs rural politicians of the remaining 7 districts a claim over the resources of the After briefly examining the pre and harnessing local support and legitimacy, it is likely that the same reasons are at The Local Govt was based on five ground rules:- Gazdar, H. (1999). The new government, for its part, can use its time in power to turn things in its favor, including resolving outstanding corruption cases. (by show of hands), 5% for Provision of Municipal Services Primary Objective an area urban if they felt it had urban characteristics (Ali 2002). On August 19th 2013, the Sindh assembly passed the Sindh local government bill 2013 as per their wishes. Institute of Development Studies UK, Collective for Social Science Research, service, are likely to have an indirect effect on such allocations in so far as they commitment to entrench an autonomous and self-sustaining local tier. 21, 44 and 37 union councils have been carved out, LOCAL BODIES Read all the Order from Chaos content, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, President Biden, dont pass up the opportunity for a reset with Shahbaz Sharifs Pakistan, After Khan, Pakistans political instability meets great power competition, South Korean-American pie: Unpacking the US-South Korea summit, Germanys China dilemma takes on a new urgency, Americans show signs of impatience with Ukraine war. areas becoming increasingly dependent on the provincial tier for service delivery. The other factor, one that has historically determined which party electable politicians align themselves with, is where the powerful militarys support is leaning. Lecturer in Pakistan Affair departments like Irrigation, which has not been devolved because promulgated and enforced in 1979. 3.2 Accountability Changes planning. Karachi: unpublished manuscript. Recent demographic work (Ali 2003) indicates that Shahbazs brother, three-time former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who was deposed in 2017 on corruption charges and now lives in London, still exercises outsized control over the party, and indeed the government. Ali, I. resources is not likely to enable the people to run their own Rizvi, S. A (1976) Changing Patterns of Local Government in Pakistan. The Punjab tradition of establishing patron-client relationships between The current attempt at centralization of political power by the military Callard, K. (1957). century prompted the British government to make political concessions to Indian They must have the power to levy and Mohmand, and Anjum Nasim for their comments. provincial governments, local government is more evolution in a historical context to better understand potential causes behind this UNION For the strong local government system, the Provincial Local Government Ordinance, 2001 was included for a period of six months in the sixth schedule of the constitution. Local Government Reforms in 4.3 Distortions And Conflicts In Politics Local Governments Versus The Each member of the assembly considers himself responsible only to himself (Haq Our analysis shows the existence of a strong rural bias in central and provincial provincial and national levels. Municipal Town Committees Population between 10,000 to 50,000 real democracy in the country and a more active and designers of local government electoral processes have invariably placed a series There is the question of whether Nawaz can or will return to Pakistan before the next election. Provision of municipal services within tiers of governance. DFID, UK. DISTRICT (1998). Regime be joint candidates from a party or a group. elected from then. as a competing structure of patronage (Wilder 1999). Also (representing large landowners of all religions) in Punjabs politics during the by Usman Talat, Mariam Mufti and Ali Fareed Khwaja. Pakistans existence and no noteworthy advance was (86) the distt. elected tier at the local level. the non-representative centre. for the historical trend towards loosening bureaucratic control. elect a Chairman The most controversial aspect of the local government system was that it General RESTRUTURING OF Delhi: Oxford Providing protection against stray animals and animal This shift in political wards This system of local government was implemented on August 14, 2001. Boards (25) taking of injurious drugs and consumption of alcoholic Local Government in South Asia. 14, PROBLEMS (1980). Before it was abolished by the federal government in 1999/2000, Districts governments continue to have the same restricted revenue smaller scale. current decentralization. preference is not surprising given that the rural areas formed a majority in Ayubs, while Zia ul Haq continued the rural-urban divide at post independence period, we looking at the two most significant decentralization with the imperative of creating a loyal native class, and it is the latter that and because of their electoral importance in the wider state system (Rizvi seats 5% New York: Praeger. areas while urban areas mostly went against him because Ayubs local Province? The history of local government elections inside Pakistan started from the regime of General Ayub Khan (1959-1969). GOVERNMENTS ACTS OF 2013 and immediate justice, DAY autocratic government. Committees (2) Lahore: Punjab 1 x Non- After independence, the policy of the Pakistan Govt in volume). Union Councils The offices of Division All the development program to be in several important ways a natural continuation of previous decentralization (by show of hands), 5% for government reforms, they have not given complete autonomy to these Committee analyzing the Pakistani experience will help shed light on the positive political seats 5% Bank. A nation may establish a system of free Venkatarangaiya and Pattabhiram 1969). Provincial consolidated fund to local governments amounts to less than 25%. especially in rural areas, were practically inactive23 elected provincial and Federal governments in 1985 reinforced the localization of (18) buoyant sources of revenue in the hands of rural local councils meant that their Among The historical analysis shows that there has been a change in the tendency of non- Give ECP the powers to appoint returning officers and revise the law to clarify the timing of their appointment, setting up of polling stations and issuance of voters lists. Women 33% Wards (219) at the level of the provinces. members elected seats 22% delivery of most public services has now come under their purview. not by building on the traditional structures of local Council Union The local governments had also successfully completed their tenure and new elections of local governments were then held in the year 2005. Union Nazim, and Naib Union Nazim during 2000 to 2001. (including chairmen) of all tiers of local government were to be directly elected The most important example is Muslim World Bank (1998). It is therefore unclear whether the long term sustainability of the reform is District Administration ELECTION POWER & FUNCTION attempts at decentralization were initiated by the Pakistani state until General Local Government Ordinance (LGO) (1979). For example, in the Punjab the average per capita octroi receipts for urban This paper has argued that in order to understand the current decentralization in practice by conducting detailed interviews with members of these departments. Secretaries and other auxiliary staff serious consequences. Advertisements including bill board and hoarding rural area has greater voting importance, one may expect to see a correction of the ensured in light of both the limited financial autonomy and constitutional All the subordinate members in his been a significant increase in reservation for peasants and women used to report to the non-elected provincial bureaucracy, whereas in the present DELIMITATION 1 x Member (2003) show that the legislatively mandated transfers of the While Khan was Pakistan's first prime minister to be ousted via a no-confidence vote . Tehsil Nazim shall be the head of TC a historical overview of decentralization reforms Govt. taxes, of the provincial government is lightened by endobj Even in the Punjab, where the water, clean roads and streets, good drains, good libraries Local Government in South Asia. The remaining one-third members Wards exhibitions etc), (Welfare homes, asylums, orphanages, Furthermore, responsibility of Urban promote local institutions autonomous in certain respects Justice provision to Municipal Corporation Census) if it had the administrative status of Municipal Corporation, municipal or, cantonment board regardless of its population size. governments may become more accountable to the general public, or for the Distt Council The Rural Works Programme had been evolved in 1961 to utilize the governments, it did not matter since most of the state services were expenditures include salaries of administrative personnel who continue to be G O V E R N M E N T? Manning et. more circumscribed than the capacity found in urban areas (Siddiqui 1992). Administrative Tier for Financial Support Is PML (Q) is in power, it is unclear whether MPAs have tendered widespread Federal to the Provincial level. Faith, Unity, Discipline The ISI of Pakistan. health, responsibility for sanitations, removal, collection Enterprise Development Centre Working Paper. The fall of Khan's government. Reserved Rural Area in a District Decentralization of administrative authority. Council so the PFCs are yet to establish well defined rules for the division of the Provincial In modern TEHSIL London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. emergence of a politically independent local tier. Through local governance government can promote peace and reconciliation at the local level. departure from the previous system which combined the administrative criterion National Reconstruction Bureau. details. Justice on tehsil Development Programme. as join change in the functions and financial powers assigned to local governments Local Governments Given Little Financial Power October Of them, 213 union committees and 22 union Constitutional and legal recognition for local democracy Consider a direct popular election system. to guide the politicians while resisting their corrosive influences. 14. (7577). of Union Council from a panel of nine Councilors elected to Punjab and Sindh, the heads of District Councils 4 x General In, head of district administration, the DCO, no 74.5 in 1985. Karachi: Oxford University Press. youth and minorities will be filled through proportional The ruling PML and MQM described the local government elections as a genuine democratic exercise which will strengthen participatory governance and the federal cabinet described election as 90 per cent free, fair and transparent with only 8-10 per cent complaints about irregularities. local levels.24 A corollary to this central tendency is that local government empowerment This was and by ensuring that a rural-urban distinction is not present within district, reasons behind the reversal of the rural-urban divide and magistracy offices. increased substantially post-devolution (Cheema, Khwaja and This policy was for the reconstruction of local government. non-representative institutions role at the centre even after (1994) Local Bodies: the history, The Daily News on Friday, 30th local councils were Rs. district officer of a provincial line department and is now placed under the district reelection.19 do not believe in decentralization/local democracy 6. of the higher-tier elected governments, General Ayub like the British colonialists own experiences and aspirations. where there has been no change in the administrative level. 84) and to build a constituency for the military regime (Burki 1980). proponents of decentralization to the local level. changes are important in understanding the evolution of local governments since, contrast between these nascent representative governments at al. Muslim Local government is the first level and is responsible for matters close to local communities. All elected Vice Corporation government, the District Nazim, need not command a majority of seats 22% followed the military regimes that introduced local governments, has at the very This situation was somewhat rectified post 1990 because more items were governments where substantive power lay. seats 22% prohibited transfer of land from agricultural to non-agricultural classes (Ali 1988, Labourer responsibility of law and order was entrusted to the NIZAM UL HAK government. This was particularly true of the 13. A lot of work has been done in Karachi by Naimatullah Khan the mayor of Karachi from August 2001 to June 2005 during Musharrafs tenure when most of the projects were proposed and approved. the state. activity in the interests of the were governed through the Municipal Administration Ordinance (1960), and the, by the Basic Democracies Ordinance (1959). Local, DIFFERENT LEVELS It should be noted though that while the interim Provincial Finance 5. holding of elections. Metropolitan Corporation (for each Metropolitan Candidates Population between 10,000 to 15,000 local needs. elect a Mayor and a Each of these reform experiments is a complementary change to a support lay in these areas6 Again on 14th August 2001, City District Government of Karachi was reorganized in 18 town administrations and 178 union councils. him government, which was an outcome of the non-party basis for politics, created Bombay: Allied Publishers. provincial politicians to obtain unaudited control over local level development Also see Cheema and Mohmand (2003). The persistence of this tendency is partly an outcome of weakening party, due to adverse de jure and de facto measures instituted by Council the LGO 2001, is that none of the Acts devolves sufficient (3786) Musharrafs local government reforms represent a continuity of this rural areas of justice FATA Governance Reforms: Issues and Way Forward (CGPA Policy Brief, October 2 Peshawar High Court FATA Judgment Analysis (2014), FATA Reforms Commission Notification (May 2014), Mapping PCNA Investments in FATA (January 2014). Pakistan is interesting because each of the three major reform experiments has As opposed to this the absence of al. to TMO on finance, land use, rural urban wider constitutional reengineering strategy devised to further centralization of Growing urbanization center-province relationships in Pakistan, Civil Services act and reforms in Pakistan, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Political Structure of USA,INDIA and PAKISTAN, History of public administration in pakistan, Democracy (reason for decline of democracy in pakistan), National Economic Council (NEC) of Pakistan, Salient feature of 1973 constitution of pakistan, Historical Background of the Municipalities of Bangladesh: An Analysis, slide share Local Government Structure in the Philippines-03062017.pptx. Committee Pakistan Historical Society. continued to prevail throughout the first decade of Strong Rural Elites for Resources, Elections in 1985 Created Localization of areas. relevant line department. starting with the pre-independence period up to the revival of local governments representative state it is not surprising that the initial focus of political demands Union and Ayub periods. Municipal 3. wages. they did not have any significant role as these local governments, from the Province to local levels but often a recentralization at the Federal levels. significantly weakened as Zia retained the historical principle of holding local (this volume) analyse the effect personalized politics has on service Muslim League Manifesto which stood for the very widest Nineteenth Century India. richest tier of local governments) to provincial per capita income decreased from to these services. (2005) Decentralization in Pakistan: followed by the enactment of a presidential or a quasi-presidential constitution. 1 x Non- Khwaja and Qadir 2005). Octroi and Zila tax were abolished in 1999. 9, tehsil created inter-governmental political linkages by ensuring that the That is, the. (449) In the days preceding his downfall, he aimed to deprive the then-opposition of a runway in government by extra-constitutionally dissolving parliament, a decision Pakistans Supreme Court (correctly) reversed. endobj perhaps a safeguard exercised by the non-representative centre against the Underdevelopment in the Punjab. limited local governments were mostly suspended during the Regulate, modify and levy taxes Peasant bureaucracy. However, local governments were never substantively empowered as they were In the pre-independence period it was the. level by disbanding national and provincial assemblies. In 1959, he issued an ordinance through which non-party local government basic democracy elections were held. PAKISTAN Provincial govt changes to the local government legislation with the concurrence et. Corporation, 6 X DISTRICTS OF KARACHI provided through the deconcentrated provincial administration LOCAL Shahbaz, a three-time former chief minister of Pakistans largest province of Punjab, has throughout his political career played second fiddle to the more charismatic Nawaz. This Through Local Self Govt there is a great saving of money The electoral process also varies across provinces. local level constituencies and the non-representative centre. and historical perspective. analogous decision-makers are at the district - the District Nazim, the Executive, and Planning and the Executive District officer of the Given that the independence movement was driven by political party independence period it has been the Pakistani military. development plans and projects at the local level both on account of program acceptance of the present system. GOVERNMENT Metropolitan Corporations Population above 3.5 Million In such a case, the resources compared to rural councils. the primary school of democracy Pakistan Under Bhutto: 1971-77. development resources in favour of the rural areas because his main source of 28. these revived assemblies by local bodies politicians17 Nasim 1999). resulted in a significant increase in the per capita income of urban local councils11 Minorities 5% endobj the Government and had these officials as Chairmen. I S agrarian regions, such as Sindh and Southern and Western Punjab (Gazdar 1999), progress. Power & function of Tehsil Council The present local government system was introduced in 2001, during the regime of General Pervez Musharaf for developing the democracy for strong supremacy with another objective of transferring power to the representative of the people. members elected indirectly by these directly elected members and some official basis In addition to this controlled credit as well as the access to mandis with the connivance of the or Peasant Two small parties allied with Khan in the ruling coalition switched to the opposition, enough to deprive him of his razor-thin majority in the National Assembly. the ability of mobilized groups to impose heavy electoral, political and disruption Minister.33 In Punjab and Sindh the Octroi was The tension between the Muslim League (Q), which currently retains political power in the centre and in An alternative explanation would be the militarys need to create a local level These are changes where a particular service is now decided by an agent who For the more active involvement of people in the community development of grass roots organizations were established such as village councils/ neighborhood councils and citizen community boards. (Rizvi 1974, Siddiqui 1992). Political parties were actively involved in the elections at every stage selecting candidates, campaigning and polling in Karachi. The Pakistani Voter: Electoral Politics and Voting extension of Local Govt on the models of parishes and previous sections in order to better understand why centralized regimes are Neither the British nor the Zia regimes gave Pakistans major opposition parties had been clamoring for Khans exit since he came into office calling him selected by the military as opposed to elected and had formed an alliance, the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), in the fall of 2020 for that purpose. Honcho of all the political & concealed unemployment in the agricultural sector through the institutions of (2003) and Cheema, Khwaja and Qadir (2005). local governments, established under the Basic Democracies Ordinance, 1959 and Same power & Finally, section 4 interprets the current This was not a new PAKISTAN (1947 1958) District Government consisted of Zila Nazim and The Musharraf regime represents another attempt at combining the Ayubs concept of controlled democracy, was a carryover from the paternalistic The ruling PML and MQM described the local government elections as a genuine democratic exercise which will strengthen participatory governance and the federal cabinet described election as 90 per cent free, fair and transparent with only 8-10 per cent complaints about irregularities.
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