Holding seats at any function is unacceptable and unsisterly. HILTON BALTIMORE INNER HARBOR 401 W. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: 443-573-8700 Single Rate: $199 per night // Double Rate: $199 per night Triple Rate: $219 per night // Quad Rate: $239 per night Parking: $35 Link: https://book.passkey.com/e/50224798 HYATT REGENCY BALTIMORE 300 Light Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 Phone: 410-528-1234 Rate: $195 per night Parking: $30 Link: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/BWIRB/G-D6JC SHERATON INNER HARBOR 300 South Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: 410-962-8300 Rate: $199 per night Parking: $33 Link: https://book.passkey.com/e/50280011SUITE REQUESTBasilei Only may make suite requests beginning January 7, 2021 via email at[emailprotected] Include your name, email, telephone number, chapter name, date ofarrival and departure. The badge is never worn with formal attire, slacks/pant suits, sports attire or shorts. Events - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. This information issubject to change. Suites are assigned on a first paid, first reserved basis, Rate is $825 forthree (3) nights and $1,100 for four (4) nights (includes taxes and all fees). Steering Committee Meeting (Open House) 10CONFERENCE SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE continued Friday, April 23, 2022 6:30a.m. The sorors of Cluster I are delighted to invite you to NARC 2022 where we will beVice Chairman - Social waiting for you with open arms. Omega Eta Omega Chapter AKA Pleaseremit payment in the form of a money order or chapter check, made payable to AKA North Atlantic Region. To verify the below information or for MARC schedules call 800-325-RAIL or go to www.mtamaryland.com.From Washington, DC:Board MARC Trains at Washington's Union Station located at 50 Massachusetts Avenue NE.Hours and information can be found here. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, IncorporatedAPRIL 21-24,2022 | BALTIMORE, MD SOROR MARY BENTLEY LAMAR North Atlantic Regional Director SOROR GLENDA GLOVER Supreme Basileus SOROR SHARON B. FALBY Conference Chairman2 TABLE OF CONTENTSConference ScheduleConference ContactsDeadlinesProtocolConference AttireConference SeatingOn Site Registration Information and COVID ProtocolsRegistration InformationHotel InformationChapter Exhibits and Displays ShowcaseGeneral Travel InformationSpecial NeedsEmergency Items ChecklistScooters and WheelchairsWorkshopsPre-Conference InstitutesVice Chairman - Operations Crescendo [krSHend]Comelia B. Stanford noun-the loudest point reached in a graduallyXi Omega increasing sound. Sorors will gain a better understanding of the purpose,intention, and spirit of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror Code of Ethics and how it guides ourconduct to help strengthen our sisterhood through the art of ethical decision making, respectfor one another, maintaining standards and honoring our Founders.WK16 Connection and Social ActionAKAs L.E.A.D. Enjoy your regional conference as, together, we continueExemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service.Yours in Alpha Kappa Alpha Excellence,Soror Glenda GloverSupreme Basileus 4Vice Chairman - Operations My dear sorors of the Notable North AtlanticComelia R. Stanford Region, I bring you greetings from the amazingXi Omega Cluster I.Vice Chairman - Programs I am humbled and honored to greet you as theTonja L. Ringgold Chairman of the 91st North Atlantic RegionalEpsilon Omega Conference. I am writing to request your support and participation in the 91st North Atlantic. These and other topics will be covered during theworkshop.WK12: StandardsMaintaining Excellence in Standards: A Snapshot of Best Practices in a Virtual WorldThis interactive workshop will review best practices of virtual chapter operations, includingchapter meeting management, chapter records management and preparing for the chapterelectronic evaluation.WK13: TechnologyEmbracing Technology in a Post Pandemic WorldThis workshop will leverage the technological knowledge and advancements gained during thepandemic. The size and scope of services provided to ourcommunities have grown and significantly improve the quality of life for all who reside within our serviceareas.The International Program, Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service, includes five programtargets that are designed to advance the mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated withexcellence and underscore our commitment to sustainable service. Buses stop adjacent to the rail station garage directly in front of the rail station.AUTOMOBILE HOTEL PARKINGHilton BaltimoreSelf-parking: $35 dailyValet: Not availableBaltimore Marriott Inner HarborOn-site parking: $34 dailyElectric car charging stations (6 available): Fees varyValet: Not availableGarage entrance provides 6' 2" clearance. 31TRANSPORTATION continued;The BWI Marshall Airport Light Rail Station is located immediately outside the lower level ofthe terminal building, adjacent to Concourse E.For schedules call 410-539-5000 or go to mta.maryland.gov/light-rail.Hours Of OperationMonday - Friday | First arrival: 4:45 a.m. | Final departure: 12:40 a.m.Saturday | First arrival: 5:05 a.m. | Final departure: 12:45 a.m.Sunday and Holidays | First arrival: 10:35 a.m. | Final departure: 8:40 p.m.MTA MARC TRAINBWI Marshall Airport offers free, frequent, and convenient shuttle service between theMARC/Amtrak station and the BWI Marshall Airport Terminal. B) last day of the fiscal year-end. All financial transactions associated with the registration are between the transferring sorors. Recorded Webinar. We will review the five sorority program targets, giveyou tips on how to execute a great program, brainstorm events, list some dos and donts formanaging social media, and explore how you can best cater to your community. Will I be able to take away information or brochures from the event? During the NARC 2022, we will highlight how we have metLambda Omega Omega Madam Supremes charge. Held annually in June, NARC's Annual Conference is the premier place to learn how to engage in effective regional collaboration. News & Events - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Approximate rate to Baltimore Inner Harbor is $35. Take the elevator or stairway to the street level below and board any "Airport Shuttle" bus. We will explore the tools utilized and best practices learned to help improve chapteroperations in a post pandemic world.WK14: Undergraduate ActivitiesPEARLfecting the College ExperienceJoin the Undergraduate Activities Committee as we provide the knowledge and the tools tohave the PEARLfect college experience. Cluster I isConference Secretary diligently working to ensure that your stay in Baltimore is filled with the richShawna Berry culture and history of the Charm City.Rho Mu Omega Your NARC 2022 experience will begin with a luncheon honoring our SisterlyTreasurer Relations leaders where we will celebrate all their accomplishments, followed byShariah Dixon-Turner Our Pearlfection Harmony Luncheon, celebrating the Diamond, Pearl, Golden andRho Theta Omega Silver Sorors; a host of meaningful and exciting events planned by our dynamic undergraduate sorors; the not-to-be missed Step, Stroll and Singsational epicFinancial Secretary event; and finally, we will celebrate and dance the night away at our Awards GalaRuth Marcus-Sturgis And The Award Goes To.Omega Omega Sorors, not only will we have fun, but we will also provide opportunities to expandAssistant Financial your AKA knowledge through a plethora of workshops, institutes, and plenarySecretary sessions. Verified answer. jurassic park arcade 2015 rom. Invitation Rehearsal (Tech)6:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. Casino Trip6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Learn how to execute Alpha Kappa Alphas ritual ceremonies in this informativeand interactive workshop. JANUARY 2022DEADLINE ITEM1/14/22 Application for Graduate Advisor Certification I (Due to Corporate Office)1/14/22 Application for Graduate Advisor Certification II (Due to Corporate Office) FEBRUARY 2022DEADLINE ITEM2/21/22 Awards Submission Fee Deadline2/21/22 Awards Judges Request Form2/21/22 Exhibits and Chapter Displays Form2/28/22 Corporate and Ivy Supporter Sponsor2/28/22 Deadline for Suite Requests (Basilei Only) MARCH 2022DEADLINE ITEM3/4/22 National Association of Parliamentarian (NAP) Application Due3/4/22 All Payments by Chapter Check or Money Order Due*3/4/22 Philacters Committee Sign-up Form3/4/22 Special Needs Request Form3/4/22 Recommendations Committee Sign-up Form3/4/22 Recommendations Form3/4/22 Resolutions Committee Sign-up Form3/4/22 Resolutions Form3/4/22 Rules Committee Sign-up Form3/4/22 Tellers Committee Sign-up3/4/22 Time and Place Committee Sign-up3/4/22 Workshop Facilitators Sign-up3/4/22 Workshop Recorders Sign-up3/4/22 Delegate Credential Form 133/4/22 CONFERENCE DEADLINE CHECKLIST3/4/22 continued3/4/223/5/22 Charter Bus Form3/8/22 Charter Bus Manifest3/13/22 Sisterhood Nomination JotForm3/13/22 Awards Submissions Deadline3/14/22 Commemorative Souvenir Journal Advertisement Form3/14/22 Diamond/Pearl/Golden/Silver Luncheon -Soror Recognition Form3/15/22 On Time Conference Registration Ends3/21/22 Online Late Registration Begins (Late Fee of $100 will apply)3/21/22 Registration Transfer Requests3/21/22 Step and Stroll and Singsational Competition Application Deadline3/28/22 Online Late Registration Ends3/28/22 Awards Banquet Seating Request Open (Basilei Only)3/28/22 Hotel Reservation Cut-Off Legacy Parade Sign-up Ivy Beyond the Wall Form NARC Choir Sign-up Form 14REGIONAL CONFERENCE PROTOCOL GUIDELINESATTIRE Business attire is required for the conference, unless otherwise noted. Be sure tomake note of any dietary restrictions/allergies on your special needs form and duringthe conference registration process.Sorors, these simple things will benefit you and make your conference stay moreenjoyable! The deadline isFebruary 28, 2022 or sellout. The transfer request must be in writing and verifiable including all parties financial numbers. badge.If you require medical supplies, please pack enough supplies to last you the duration ofyour stay at the conference. Early Registration7:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. NARC Office9:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. NARC Steering Committee Meeting9:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Chapter Exhibit Set Up9:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Vendor Ribbon Cutting11:30 a.m. 11:00 p.m. If you need more details regarding the conference, log into the Members Only portal on the Central Regional website for more information. View Product. ONCE TICKETS ARE ISSUED, LOST TICKETS WILL NOT BE REPLACED. Please feel free to direct any questions to Regenia Moore-Lee, North Atlantic Region Corporate Sponsorship Chairman via rmoorelee7@aol.com OR at 973-457-0818 North Atlantic Region 2021 Virtual Conference Highlights 54 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated NORTH ATLANTIC REGION MARY BENTLEY LAMAR, NORTH ATLANTIC REGIONAL DIRECTOR The conference was made up of a variety of sessions including workshops, interactive information sessions, opportunities to feedback and ask questions, learn about health and regional work, and the launch of our diversity toolkit to help you to reach out further into your communities. Always wear your seat belt. For more information regarding administrative polices such as complaints, please contact the corporateofce at 773-684-1282.Alpha KappaAlpha Sorority, Inc. is registered with the NationalAssociation of State Boards ofAccountancy (NASBA) asa sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. 10:00 p.m. Public Meeting Reception 11:00 p.m. You can expect the plenary sessions to be informative and inspiring. The Legacy Parade and Step, Stroll and Singsational are sure to hit a highnote at the conference. The Commemorative Milestone tote was designated for the Significant South Atlantic Region. Passengers should contact the rideservice company for further details.For your safety, keep in mind these tips when using a rideshare service. It is the oldest Greek letterorganization established by African-American college-educated women. Sorors should allow the Very Special Guests expedited access to meeting rooms, elevators, escalators, and restrooms. Request your ride inside. Whether you're a local, new in town, or just passing through, you'll be sure to find something on Eventbrite that piques your interest. We especially pay tribute to our Diamond, Pearl, Golden and Silver Sorors. : Log in for the Online Conference Registration (OCR): Email address which is on file from the corporate website- aka1908.com Password: If you have never logged into OCR, please select password or https://netforum.avectra.com/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx? 68th MARC Conference At A Glance by AKA.Mid-AtlanticRegion - Issuu Walk indoors to Doors 5 or 6 then proceed outside to the terminal curbside. International Regional Conference: Canceled: Regional Conferences (GLR, SCR, MWR, FWR) . Voting delegates must wear delegate identification and arrive early for proper seating.VERY SPECIAL GUESTS (VSGs) Sorors should stand for the procession of dais members. You will R.E.A.C.H. Mid-Atlantic 2022 Regional Conference - SCUP We need to make this happen! There are drug stores in the area, but please be proactive with yourhealth and come prepared with these items.If your prescribed medication requires refrigeration, please notify the Special NeedsChairman.
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