So red just helped me do the same thing. If its hard to think of these off the top of your head, consider where our assumptions about the world come from: maybe from our jobs, our families and friends or our past experiences. If youre feeling a little overwhelmed about moving beyond structure, dont worry theres something quick and easy that you can do right now to help push your writing, and it doesnt even involve any writing of your own. In what ways do the people Richard meets challenge his assumptions about the world? Discuss the role of dishonesty in Euripides, Pain is depicted to have no partiality to either gender in, Much of the trauma explored throughout the anthology is a result of lack of emotional connection or familial misunderstanding arising through individual actions, rather than due to stereotypes associated with gender., Kennedy suggests that there is no gender more at fault for these issues, but rather that it is mindset that determines ones identity and fate, especially in relationships. Helen then escaped from Menelaus palace to be with Paris, starting the war between Greece and Troy. He realises that he knows little about the African continent (Nigeria has a coast?), He suffers from a poverty of experience which means he hasnt had to interact with this knowledge before, His renaming of the refugees (Apollo, Tristan etc.) Symbols in particular often appear at turning points: the relationship between two characters might take a turn, an important sacrifice might be made or perhaps someone crosses a point of no return - all of these are potential plot points for the author to include symbols. Our brains are practically wired to create and innovate newness. Interestingly, her brother,a screaming heterosexual (p. 95), likens the hair removal process to getting a tree lopped. Extinction by Hannie Rayson. The Berlin Wall, built in 1961, became a border of its own, dividing a nation and a city and changing the citizenship of half of Germany overnight. This complex understanding of borders draws on the history of Germany, and in particular of its capital Berlin, after World War II. However, even though theyre words we use all the time in our English studies, it isnt always easy to tell the difference! If youre unfamiliar with this strategy, then check it out in How To Write A Killer Text Response. It was purported that Paris and Helen were responsible for initiating the war as Helen was governed by her lust for Paris and left Menelaus, the Spartan prince, for this young prince of Troy. Events such as this make people question their fate and belief, galvanising them to wonder 'what good [gods] were to [them]. She lost her son Hector and her husband in the Trojan war, her daughter Polyxena also died and Cassandra was raped. Additionally, both texts deal with parent-child relationships that are affected by experiences of trauma that parents attempt to suppress. So thats what a transition looks like.. In The Great Gatsby, the Sloanes invite Gatsby over for dinner without really meaning it. These experiences could be with language, employment, or personal relationships just to name a few ideas.. For example: In Rear Window, one of the neighbours berates everyone else for failing to notice their dogs death. The Trojan were singing a sad song together as they left to prepare for their new lives as slaves living in Greek households. The other quote is a little more interesting, in particular the to me and your mother bit, which I think complicates the idea of unconditional love. You can tell a character is speaking in prose as its usually just a big chunk of text. Which characters did you find likeable? Essentially, Raysons fixation on causal sexual relationships mirrors her own opinion that there has been a paradigm shift in how we govern our sexuality and bodies since the 1950s. Oops! In particular, its what brought the refugees to Germany at all, even though they didnt necessarily have any control over that movement. The VCAA does not endorse and is not affiliated with Lisa's Study Guides or In this paragraph, you can see me use the word flaw quite a bit, just in order to ensure that Im actually answering the prompt, not a prompt that I have studied before., Isabella is depicted as a moral, virtuous and pious woman, but it is this aspect of her nature that paradoxically aligns her with the tyrannous Angelo. In the Hellenic society, gods have always been a significant part of their life as it is believed that mortals lives are always under the influence of divine intervention. Begin your paragraph with: Rayson's play 'Extinction' explores the dire environmental crisis facing the planet. This is particularly important when it comes to essay writing, because you want to know that you're coming up with unique comparative points (compared to the rest of the Victorian cohort!). But as you can see from my essay plans, I'm quite minimal. It is an item so coveted and desired, a 17-year-old boy from China sold a kidney to buy the iPad and iPhone. It can be argued that the chain of unfortunate events are unpredictable as they are determined by gods, whose emotions and prejudices still control the way they act. If you find this helpful, then you might want to check out A Killer Text Guide: Extinction where we cover five A+ sample essays (written by a 50 study scorer! These obstacles are richly interwoven with the novels context in post-reunification Germany (more on this under Symbols: Borders), but bureaucracy and ignorance are everywhere - Australia included. I intended to explore Harry's enigmatic sexual charisma that he abused on the accord of his self-interest. Having lived a majority of her life in Victoria, Australia, Kennedys collection follows the stories of various protagonists whose voices are characteristic of Australian culture and society. Szubanskis pilgrimage back to Poland and Ireland come from similar desires to better understand her parents. Parents and children may want to understand each other better, but this is evidently not always possible. Even if I didnt cover your text, the use of tragic heroes, prose, verse, and iambic pentameter are things evident in all Shakespeare plays, so you just have to make it relevant to your text. The theme of love is present in each story of the collection, often used as an instrument through which the characters can heal and grow from their physical or spiritual pain. For me, this signals that we must consider morality and the weighing up of right and wrong, especially when tough decisions have to be made. Theres one scene where this symbolism is particularly powerful, where they watch videos of pianists us[ing] the black and white keys to tell stories that have nothing at all to do with the keys colours.. You can write fewer dot points, it's really just dependent on every individual. This can challenge him, and us, and our assumptions about what is right. This interaction shows us where these characters really stand with regard to these categories or ideas. ! This relatively harmless sentiment is dismissed by Professor Dixon-Brown when she states that she is completely disengaged with charismatic fauna (p. 99) push - making celebrities out of pandas and polar bears. The divine intervention which is promised in the beginning casts the following injustices cursed upon the women of Troy in a different light as it can be argued that the gods caused the war. However, she grows accustomed to it in time, making forays out of the apartment and settling into some semblance of a routine to keep herself somewhat occupied. If you'd like to see another essay topic breakdown, you might like to check out our Like a House on Fire Essay Topic Breakdown blog post! Although at first glance, Shakespeares depiction of Isabellas excessive puritanical nature appears to be her virtue, by aligning her with the devil that is Angelo, it appears that this is indeed her flaw., My main tip for a conclusion is to finish it off with a confident commentary of the entire piece and what you think that the author was trying to convey through their words (in relation to the topic). (Is it the kind of evolution we want? VCE is a registered trademark of the VCAA. Thus, as Shakespeares play, Measure for Measure, does centre on polarising characters in a polarising setting, perhaps through his exploration of Isabellas flaws alongside her virtues, he suggests that both the good and the bad inhabit us. Within the frame of the main window, the windows of each apartment act as mini frames within the big frame, multiplying the sense of voyeurism present in the shot. When Magda finally comes out to her parents, their response is generally quite receptive, and her father is perhaps uncharacteristically touching in this scene:Whatever his misgivings were he didnt dwell on them and he never let the come between us. Students will often focus on what the characters say without considering how it is said. It is important to note that Jeffs room is plain and lacks any decorative sophistication, establishing his character as a simple, everyday American man. You can never go wrong! In tandem with this, Roleys wife in Little Plastic Shipwreck is rendered humourless and witless due to her brain injury, distorting her once enthusiastic self into one shadowed by her illness; further emphasising the link between physical and mental identity.. It is through these failed trysts that Rayson disapproves of uninhibited sexual impulses and by extension, criticises the increasing promiscuity in contemporary times. Euphemism (e.g. If youre unfamiliar with this strategy, then check it out in How To Write A Killer Text Response. In The Namesake, Gogol only reads The Overcoat after his father dies, in fact saving it from a box that was about to be donated, destined to disappear from his life altogether. The novel ends here, which could represent that he is able to move into a new phase of his life only after having grappled with this one. By allowing the Trojan women to express their indignation and enmity as a response to their impending slavery, Euripides is able to present a critique on the ways in which women were oppressed in Ancient Greece. As you might be able to see, themes can require us to read between the lines because they are usually implied. I hope that was helpful for you, and don't forget plans are crucial to an amazing essay.If you needed any extra help, then my mailing list is always available for you guys. Put this way, we can understand how familial relationships can be complicated by migration, trauma, and the different attitudes it can engender. Can you guess what it might be? Do you agree? But addressing crutch phrases in your writing, which are often overused and underdeveloped, is a fairly straightforward way of forcing yourself to write differently. The comment section of these videos is like a medley of heart-eyes and exclamations of How cute! Each of these situations place too many students time and time again in sticky situations come an English SAC or exam. The Dukes proposal to Isabella at the conclusion of the play, as he asks her to give [him her] hand, in marriage, coincides with the revelation that Claudio is indeed alive. Pay attention to when it is not followed, or when characters are interrupted during the pentameter. Is Euripides trying to support the statement and agree that women are simply creatures of emotions who should only stick with domestic duties? So as always, my first step is I will highlight the keywords that I see inside the prompt. It's just five minutes of your time, so we probably don't need to go into it in too much more detail than that. Othello, struck by regret, stabs himself, declaring that he loved not wisely but too well. Richard realises that people with the freedom to chooseget to decide which stories to hold on to - and those are the people who get to decide the future of the refugees, at least from a legal perspective., Though Richard cant necessarily help with these legal issues, he finds himself doing what he can for the refugees over time. How do you receive empathy from others? In this case, by virtue of being female, we can assume the tiger quoll with a crushed spine has reproductive capabilities. For example, you could use this example to prove to your assessor how Isabellas alignment with Angelo signals Shakespeares condemnation of her excessive puritanical nature (as I did in my body paragraph below) or, you could use these same points to argue how Angelo was once indeed a virtuous man who was similar to the saint Isabella, and that it was the. 03 9028 5603Call us: Monday to Friday between 3pm - 6pm or leave us a message and we'll call you back!Address: Level 2 Little Collins St Melbourne 3000 VIC, Thank you!Your download should start now.