Thousands of persecuted Christians around the globe are mourning the loss of Voice of the Martyrs Canada's (VOM) former leader Glenn Penner. The Answer is NO , for a little leaven causes the whole lump to be corrupt . Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Inc. personally serving on the Board of Directors, BRYCE HOMES FOR WIDOWS & CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL, The Bottom Line of A.W. Tozer: A Hybrid of Complex Proportions, Earth Day and a Christian Perspective on the Environment, [Oregon] Sherrifs Deputy Fired for Failure to Comply with LGBTQ Policies, A Biblical Perspective on Salvation That Ye May Know . The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Voice of the Martyrs' leaders pay themselves "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name [Jesus Christ] under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Since 2002, Petr Jaek has worked with The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) to help aid and assist persecuted Christians in hostile areas and restricted nations. protect his alleged victims or the other girls at the VOM-financed orphanage. Older Entries. Rating Information. Two years later, they arrived in USA and founded Voice of the Martyrs to Reprinted with permission from the Roseburg Beacon News, Vol. Bartlesville (pop. actually the result of their own serious personal wrongdoing. The 63 members of China's 'Mayflower Church' who fled persecution in China arrived in the United States on Good Friday, intending to resettle permanently after being granted humanitarian parole status amid a harrowing three-year quest for asylum. these organizations, and of the ways they are not preaching the true Gospel. While each country's mission has its own focus and management, they also cooperate through the ICA by sharing information and jointly funding international projects. Below is Voice of the Martyrs USA's new headquarters, still in Bartlesville, By Harry Ironside appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. and seeing money that could be used for orphanages, etc., being good stewards of His money, we are not supporting them any longer even if it seems that everything is above boards. We also believe Michael is not making these statements out of any vindictive motive. in my friend's home said VOM had mischaracterized someone (known to the The controversy is revealed by Warren Throckmorton in his latest Patheos blog. Bartlesville, OK 74005-0443. who had co-founded Voice of the Martyrs Be blessed yall in The Holy Name of Christ Jesus, amen. here). 90510, USA, He was concerned that more children might have been molested. LTRP Note: The following letter to the editor is asking about a practice called visio divina. have always given top priority to the persecuted church and I want that to In the past, Voice of the Martyrs had written a dedication about myself sent to tens of thousands stating: To the Rev. true Gospel. The post A Biblical Perspective on Salvation That Ye May Know . 3. ECFA. This situation with homeschoolers is serious. Thank you for your Two days later, the nonprofit, interdenominational organization acknowledged that White, 64, was being investigated by Oklahoma authorities for allegedly . Each mission also has other efforts to communicate the testimonies of persecuted Christians and stories of God's faithfulness to them. I have loved their magazine. I will take my time to learn more about it and support the good steward. years that preceded his suicide, interview every child with whom he was alone, and Earth Day and a Christian Perspective on the Environment In 1966, Wurmbrand [2] testified before the Internal Security Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate about the treatment that Christians received under communist governments, raising worldwide interest in Christian persecution, and through his influence several missions were founded around the world to help support Christians who suffered under Communist persecution. Some answers were outright sarcastic, as if my requesting a proper investigation regarding suspected pedophilia among Christian missionaries would be some joke. Lighthouse Trails to Send Out 20th Mailing to Christian Pastors and Leaders Lisa", "Greetings! The Wurmbrand family was eventually freed to the West after a ransom was paid for Richard's release. In addition the church was also made aware of terrible abuse occuring at an orphanage in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Reformation Baptist Church made it clear on its Facebook page it was not satisfied by the US response. We have NEVER failed witness Satans scraggly, filthy fingernail finding a heart to Pierce, hoping to stop all hearts from beating. substantial amount of money from Christians. I was going to make a donation to the organization and And, I see no reason to doubt the message given by Michael Wurmbrand for a few reason. Michael explains below what happened after he made that request. their video) in 2016, VOM neither reported As one of our directors stated, 'He truly was a voice for the martyrs. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof [Read more] Our hope for these ministries is that they would walk in repentance and godliness just as God has called all Christians to do so. VOM-USA produces a weekly radio program,[5] which is currently heard on more than 700 radio stations across the United States and has reached the top spot on iTunes "Religion and Spirituality" podcast chart. 'It is our sincere hope that if criminal activities have occurred, the criminals will be brought to justice. RESEARCH JOURNAL Return to homepage. Some directors are related or get income from the organization. VOM-USA is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), and financial information about VOM can be found on ECFA's web site. YWAM was a Support Christians Facing Islamic Extremists, Day of the Christian Martyr: June 29, 2023. His background in hospital administration was beneficial in his role overseeing VOM's efforts to provide medical care to Christians injured by Boko Haram . giving them less than $1 per month, just to be able to say that Voice of the Second, we think of the Scripture that talks tells us judgment beginning in the house of the God (1 Peter 4:17). There is a common problem rampant in non-profits, howeve; often way too much of the funding is being spent on overhead . In order to verify the authenticity of the letter we received, we contacted VOM first. Tens of thousands of dollars out of contributions for supposed missionary work were extended as a loan to him to pay back some of what he stole and escape parole supervision. He continued to work with the underground church and share the gospel. conflict with Michael Wurmbrand we try to solve with prayer and mediation! 5. After the fall of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, these missions expanded their focus to include those suffering religious persecution in Islamic, Hindu, and Buddhist societies. Michael Wurmbrand, Todd Nettleton, head of media with Voice of the Martyrs in the US, told Throckmorton: 'It is heartbreaking for us to consider that someone may have used VOM-USA funds or projects as a means to victimize anyone especially a child.'. decided to do some research first. I wrote the VOM directors: If you enjoy, for motivations of your own, to wallow in the mire of suspected pedophilia go ahead. Their leaders, like all others, will be held accountable by a just God. The publication noted the police department had no "official" protocol for cases in which a suspect under investigation dies. Neither I nor the donors were told of such grandiose projects. On March 14th, Lighthouse Trails received an e-mail from Michael Wurmbrand, the son of the late Richard Wurmbrand, founder of Voice of the Martyrs. But since I cant send my money straight to those folks I have to depend on someone with connections and a heart. Richard Wurmbrand was imprisoned and tortured by communist authorities in his native Romania for 14 years, including three years in solitary confinement. Our enemy loves to defile our ambassadorship by exploiting the but rather in an amiable way by fulfilling only one request for the board to decide and approve: Please allow and pay for an independent blue ribbon commission to investigate within the next two months, back at least two years, all Tom Whites travel points, contacts and especially financial expenditures to establish and put to rest any suspicions re. I read it. ), and to ignore these important issues is wrong, especially in view of the acceleration of worldwide spiritual deception happening today. It needs to be shaken in order to return to its first love. Top leaders and popular authors have led countless believers down a slippery slope of deception and seduction (e.g., Gothards cult-like legalism and ultra-authoritarianism, Driscolls contemplative promotion and mockery of the Bibles warning of the end-times, Thomas Nelsons altering of Jesus Calling to make it look more Christian). How could I have foreseen that in a case of blatant suspected child-molestation some Christian VOM leaders I approached, imitated the priest and Levite in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, trying their best re. other underground Christians in China. by the Romanian After reading from Lighthouse Trails, etc. The Reformation Baptist Church has launched an online petitioncalling for an investigation into Voice of the Martyrs in Nigeria. I do not want to allow VOM to use my parents good name, to raise money under false pretenses. . I have donated to their organization every year for the past few years Hello Lighthouse Trails: I am wondering if you can help me out here. Todd Nettleton, head of media with Voice of the Martyrs in the US, told Throckmorton: 'It is heartbreaking for us to consider that someone may have used VOM-USA funds or projects as a means to victimize anyone - especially a child.'. Is VOM still not worth giving to. Mailing Address The allegations have been supported by former students at the school run by VOCM, including alleged victims. Isaac Oluwole Newton-Wusu. 1815 SE Bison Rd., Bartlesville, OK 74006. I want to make sure that I am One such group of persecuted Christians were about 100 Box 443 The present chairman of VOM is a former mayor of Bartlesville and was part of the city leadership. After our phone call with him, we were convinced that this letter below is indeed from Richard Wurmbrands son. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. heartbroken to read your article online about their flaws. Voice of the Martyrs has veered into ecumenism, away from the true Gospel. The main question in the letter I wrote to the entire Voice of the Martyrs Board of Directors was worded as follows: In a Christian spirit of love and faith, if you want to continue using the names, persona and copyrights of my parents, I ask first that you do not try to accomplish this in an adversarial way through lawyers, etc. Please would you start a new ministry call real voices of actual martyrs or something creative enough to reveal this wrongdoing. The entire board needs to resign. Kim Roberts April 5, 2023. A man answering the phone and listening to our question transferred us to a message machine. Each issue focuses on stories of the persecution of Christians, and offers testimonies as well as outlets for readers to get involved with persecuted Christians. flew Wurmbrand, his wife Sabina and son Michael (Mihai) They were approved on 04-08-2020 by the SBA for an amount of 1381200 USD. persecuted Christians and solicits donations on their behalf. Sorry, whether you like it or not, this unpleasant event that happened to VOM with its Chairman during twenty years cannot be dispensed with as just a family affair or an unfortunate sudden decision. ABOUT US Wurmbrand needs to be appointed chairman of the board, appoint new board Besides your organization, what are some other Canada, Chile, Each office is funded through donations. In response, Voice of the Martyrs terminated Michael Wurmbrand, I wish VOM would be transparent and support an unbiased investigation. Imagine a surgeon insisting to operate, having no time to clean his hands after searching in garbage. Sincerely, for whom the money was donated, and move back into the modest warehouse. I plan to read more of your site, including the weakness and vulnerabilities of our flesh. VOM, a nonprofit, inter-denominational Christian organization found in 1967 to serve the global persecuted church, previously said the alleged molestation did not occur on its premises and that it was unrelated to White's work with the ministry. It is hard to believe this could be done, but correspondence I display on the web (see link below), should convince you. Of VOM-USA's income, 12 percent was spent on administration and 6.2 percent on fundraising. Imagine my shock when last Sunday one of the prisoners profiled in Voice of the Martyrs prisoner list was a Catholic "Father . We live in very The Bible tells us this will happen in the end times. Czech Republic, Finland, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, around the world. Below is a letter wrote today, and we thought many of you would like to read it. giving to the ones that use the money for these people and not for themselves. Todd Nettleton with VOM USA says that the persecuted Church consistently asks to share needs with their Christian brothers and sisters so that they might pray for them. The evangelical/Protestant church is in big trouble. And there's no doubt that he was passionate about serving the persecuted church. 1. The previous VOM building, now for sale for $1,600,000 in Bartlesville, OK. To understand more about child molestation, please read Sergeant Patrick Croughs book, Seducers Among Our Children. The Voice of the Martyrs was founded in 1967 under the name "Jesus to the Communist World" by Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian Lutheran priest of Jewish descent, . Visio Divina: A Mystical Practice by Any Other Name Is Still a Mystical Practice equip persecuted Christians around the world. The worst vindictive act towards myself though was the refusal on the part of VOM of my simple request to dump or allow myself even pay to withdraw immediately from the VOM circulation advertising, about 2,000 copies of Tortured For Christ, my fathers book, published by VOM with a preface by, and having right in the middle, a portrait of Tom White, the past chairman who had committed suicide after the police-filed accusation of suspected pedophilia. for providing links to source material in your articles. *All of the above occurred while, at the same time, without any reasons proffered, they sent a termination of employment letter to me, Richard Wurmbrands son, who founded the mission, four days only after I asked for an independent investigation of the expenses and travels of the suicidal and suspected pedophile past chairman of VOM, USA. We started what is now Voice of the Martyrs under a communist sentence of death. I had never God executed 2. A Biblical Perspective on Salvation That Ye May Know . If you still want to help projects started by my parents, Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, now hanging in the air, please help me reclaim my parents and my family name. Tozer: A Hybrid of Complex Proportions appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. been infiltrated by wolves? "Basically we would be investigating if we were going to arrest someone but obviously, at this point, we're not going to arrest anybody." * Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) spent $28 million dollars not on the mission field but to build its own headquarter thus in economic times difficult for us all, encouraging construction in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA, a town of only about 32,000. and true Christianity. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. And this is why we are compelled to post articles like this letter below by Michael Wurmbrandto bring light to areas of darkness but also to defend true Christianity, to say to the world that there are believers in Christ all over the world who day after day, year after year serve the Lord faithfully, who do not molest children, do not plagiarize, do not practice the contemplative stillness in order to know God, and do not steal money or grow monstrous corporations that knock down everything in their path. Michael Wumbrand's letter on your site and then looked at his website. Tortured for Christ circulated throughout the world with more than 10,000,000 copies. VOMs heart is beating strong for the persecuted. VOM published even how within months of our arrival in the United States, from 1967 on, I worked together with my parents Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, to start what is now Voice of the Martyrs. In addition, police reportedly have stopped investigating the case that shocked many in . In Nigeria, there were many victims of Muslim persecution, and it was one of their highest profile countries for fundraising. There's not ever going to be charges filed.". The church is filled with mega-corporation-style organizations that act as if they can do anything they want while they toy with the emotional and spiritual lives of millions and play catch-me-if-you-can. Dawn", 7. Since the suspected perpetrator was dead, the police closed any further investigation of the molestation. Theres not much for him to personally gain in comparison to those Hes stating are accused. Weve noticed the same thing in business. blessed to read Militants say they found banned 'extremist' literature at the church: local Christians say it had been planted there. Except by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. inside China and then send them to USA so that American Christians can pay In the wake of White's death, the Voice of the Martyrs president spoke out, acknowledging the suicide and allegations. The statement is dated April 13, but it was not publicly released until today, May 3. Missions also produce video content,[6] including videos to promote The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church,[7] which is honored on the first Sunday in November. continue. And now, the letter we received from Michael Wurmbrand: This sad letter you are reading comes from Michael Wurmbrand, the son of the late Rev. Registered in England and Wales 5090917, Christian Today, International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, God is on the move in the broken Anglican Communion, Church of England bishops urged 'to step back from the brink' on same-sex blessings, Lessons for today from the Salem Witch Trials. I am disheartened by this news, but not surprised. I saw the movie on his fathers life but was wondering what ever happened to his children so I did an internet search and came across his letter. I was googling Voice of the Martyrs John the Baptist was not beheaded because he sermonized in general asking people to repent. Against my express request NOT TO DO SO, the mission Voice of the Martyrs of Bartlesville (VOM), Oklahoma, USA and its international affiliates, continue to use Richard Wurmbrand, Sabina Wurmbrand, my parents persona, pictures, writings and books, my persona also to obtain your donations! Trans Britain: are the numbers really adding up. This data release includes only a subset of what can be found in the full Form 990s. because I couldn't remember their exact website address and I wanted to make a without disclosure, VOICE OF THE MARTYRS INC BARTLESVILLE, OK 74006-7234 | Tax-exempt since Sept. 2015. It would take a very long time and a lot of money to try to stop such use through courts. Todd Nettleton, head of media with Voice of the Martyrs in the US, told Throckmorton: 'It is heartbreaking for us to consider that someone may have used VOM-USA funds or projects as a means to victimize anyone - especially a child.'. Inside the $28 million Voice of the Martyrs headquarter prominently named as the Richard Wurmbrand Center, there is a Wurmbrand museum. P.O. years, I am grieved to learn of this news. Sadly in the last de. There is one more issue we want to address and that is the allegations of sexual abuse that were brought against Tom White by the parents of a 10-year-old girl. * Voice of the Martyrs had agreed reluctantly in 2001 to help about 100 believers who were imprisoned 5-10 years for their faith in communist prisons in Romania, currently destitute in their 80s and 90s, with less than $1 (yes, one dollar) a month. My parents died in 2000-2001, and I am now 74 years old. We complete their precise requirements for membership, including defining a credible Board of Directors, establishing an Audit Review Committee, having audited financial statements, truthfulness in communications, as well as other requirements. leaders from the frontline who suffered for Jesus and will remain focused on Funding and projects should be transparent in any forthright institution and if Mr. Wurmbrand still suspects VOM of misappropriation of funds, he should inform the IRS. RESURRECTION! The police chief and the former mayor of the town of Bartlesville, OK. were personally serving on the Board of Directors of Voice of the Martyrs. In 2012, the executive director of VOM-USA, Tom White, committed suicide after allegations of child abuse were made against him. I should be entitled to make such a request since: * Voice of the Martyrs published for years a specially dedicated childrens magazine. being informed of these and other crimes by Isaac Oluwole Newton-Wusu, VOM Thank you. Voice of the Martyrs has just released a statement responding to the allegations in the Persecuting the Persecuted video. Oklahoma, whose governor makes $147,000 a year. Second, if indeed Michaels statements are true (and we have no reason or evidence to doubt they are), then in all fairness, the body of Christ needs to know these things.There have been other concerns about VOM (ecumenism, Catholic sympathies, contemplative, etc. church (watch The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a missionary organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world's most difficult and dangerous places to be a Christian. Although they are separate and completely autonomous organisations with their own leaders and separate boards of directors, the US organisation did fund some projects in Nigeria. If you would like your pastor [Read more] continued to finance VOCM Nigeria. . ", He added, however, "Tom deeply loved his wife, his children and his grandchildren. The Christian Church is under heavy attack. At the time of his committing suicide, Tom White had a $140,000+, plus perks, yearly salary and very substantial travel and expense accounts used in his extensive and frequent international travel year after year. used by those who collected it, led by the former mayor of Bartlesville, to build a gleaming $28,000,000 office building for While we know that the liberal secular media and the emerging church will use these stories for political gain and actually to cause confused Christians to come over to their side, we also know that God can use these situations to bring about genuine conversion and repentance among many. Regardless of whether the source of these out-of-house news [Read more] Michael Wurmbrand I'm If you do not intend to accept the above request, the other decision I ask you to take is not to use the name Wurmbrand any more..
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