Tai o Ngamotu, Ko
Tainui Kaumatua Grants Form - signNow The university also holds documents and objects related to the tribe.[3]. Ptere: "Toia Tainui." Commentary by Sir pirana Ngata - introduction to the next item. According to him, Te Ata-inutai was taking his oldest grand-daughter, Pare-kwa, back to Marae-kwhai. expressed in Wharetiki's spiritual and intensely
We encourage all of our whaanau to register and create an account to access a range of grants and opportunities, contribute to our mahi, vote on tribal matters (for those 18 and over) and stay up-to-date and informed about tribal matters. Our most valuable possessions we hold as an iwi are the teachings given by our ancestors, taonga tuku iho, handed down from one generation to the next. tides of Honipaka, of
[17] A detailed account was given by Hoata Te Hata between 1916 and 1918. Explore the range of grants, subsidies, scholarship and health assistance opportunities currently available to tribal members. This is a compilation of about 300 waiata for primary and secondary school teachers of te Reo Mori. It is a long-term development approach to building the capacity of Waikato-Tainui Marae, hapuu, and Iwi. there, Te Wharepouri, joined up with the trader
Contact our Media team if you have questions, need additional comments, or interviews. O
The four-storey complex is located on the corner of Collingwood and Tristram streets, and only a short walk from major public transport routes and the Hamilton Central Transport hub. [18] This account is followed closely by John Te Herekiekie Grace in his 1959 history of Twharetoa. This week our Kirikiriroa-Hamilton based kaimahi (staff) will be moving into their new office, Amohia Ake. Te Ahurei o Tainui. I also have these Maori songbooks too. See all Wintec social media channels on the Wintec Social Media Directory, Wintec is part of Te Pkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology This site uses cookies to identify visitors and track usage so we can improve the user experience for future visitors. Discover businesses in the Waikato that are owned by our very own tribal members. The Waikato-Tainui tribal administration (or iwi authority) is the Waikato Raupatu Trustee Company Ltd, which replaced the Tainui Mori Trust Board, and is situated at Hopuhopu, Ngruawhia. The Waitoetoe River is a small river of the Taranaki Region of New Zealand's North Island. From the 1920s, Sir pirana Ngata began collecting and annotating traditional Mori songs and chants from iwi of Aotearoa a massive undertaking that, with the help of translators Pei Te Hurinui Jones and later Hirini Moko Mead, became the treasured four-volume Ng Mteatea; an important and abundant source of knowledge about tribal history and culture. Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui strive to teach, and revive waiata whakangahau and waiata moteatea to our kaumatua and rangatahi, . As it has done for the past 160 years, the role of Kiingitanga will still be the unifying thread of all Iwi, under the seventh monarch, Kiingi Tuheitia. .mw-parser-output .verse_translation .translated{padding-left:2em!important}@media only screen and (max-width:43.75em){.mw-parser-output .verse_translation.wrap_when_small td{display:block;padding-left:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .verse_translation.wrap_when_small .translated{padding-left:0.5em!important}}. Whether its a whare or a new pakihi this is a great way to turn your dreams into a plan. A unique, vibrant, interconnected living, working and learning community inspiring unity, collaboration and innovation. Rauparaha taken by canoe around Honipaka Point,
About Us - Waikato-Tainui A few Ngti Twharetoa men, women and children fought the Colonials with their fellow soldiers inside the Orakau fortifications. 3 minute read. Dickie Barrett to obtain muskets for his own people
Wairua Tapu tau mai rWairua Tapu mai i rungaUhia mai ng taonga paiHomai t arohaWhia kia tikakona mai r kia ki te paiHoroia kia m tonu rMhou te tino korriaWairua Tapu tau mai rWairua Tapu tau mai rWairua Tapu tau mai r. Wharepouri decided to move his Te Ati Awa people
Kia tupu ki te hua o te rengarenga, kia pakari ki te hua o te kawariki, Leveraging relationships with service providers and third-party funders to manage socio-economic gaps and provide opportunities for our tribal members. Whakatupuranga Waikato-Tainui 2050 is the blueprint for cultural, social and economic advancement for Waikato-Tainui people. The project supports Marae in maintaining our important traditions, by ensuring they have confident and competent divers who can provide kaimoana to their marae, safely. The Waikato Raupatu claim, subject of the 1995 settlement stemmed from the inception of Kiingitanga in 1858 when Pootatau Te Wherowhero was anointed first Maaori King. Tainui lands as "Nga Tai of Honipaka, composed (sic)
16 Dec 2007. nga Moteatea me nga Hakirara o nga Maori, Traditions,
Whakatupuranga Waikato-Tainui 2050 is the blueprint for cultural, social and economic advancement for our people. He led the war party down the Waikato River, along the east coast of Lake Taup. We are here to support and equip you with the tools you need to move into meaningful and sustainable employment. Check out each tohu below or continue to scroll this page. E mua kaikai, e muri kai huare. The building has been designed to achieve at least a four-star standard under the NABERSNZ rating system for energy system. Whakatupuranga 2050 will be our legacy for those who come after us. Treaty Of Waitangi. Ngti Apakura used to live at Rangiaowhia, an undefended settlement near Te Awamutu. The Waitoetoe River is a small river of the Taranaki Region of New Zealand 's North Island. Over these past 12-months, our iwi has been guided by the tongikura from Kiingi Tuheitia, Amohia ake te ora o te iwi ka puta ki te whei ao to protect the wellbeing of our people is paramount. Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui (WTOT) was formed in 2008 for a roopu of Rangatahi who were asked to attend the annual New years festival in Beijing China, Founded by Tomairangi Paki the roopu had revived waiata from Taniwharau Cultural Group and Waiata from composers such as Pumi Taituha and Harata Tupaea. Te Whakakitenga o Waikato (formerly known as Te Kauhanganui) is the tribal authority that represents tribal members of the 68 Marae of Te Whakakitenga o Waikato. The tribe did not take part in the Waikato war, but Rangiaowhia was attacked by British troops, and after the 1864 battle of rkau its occupants were forced from their . A version with translated English sub-titles has also been posted on the Facebook . Taamaki is below [1] It is part of the larger Tainui confederation of Polynesian settlers who arrived to New Zealand on the Tainui waka (migration canoe). The prioritised work streams that are now seen in the Five Year Plan have been developed to deliver outcomes in line with our three strategic objectives (noted below), our Ngaa Tohu framework (pictured right or below), and our Whakatupuranga 2050 aspirations.
Ngti Twharetoa - Wikipedia my spirit, In 1821, northern tribes drove
Waikato-Tainui hold numerous events throughout the calendar year. The attack on
Over time those same uri whakaheke begat the tribes of Waikato, Hauraki, Maniapoto and Raukawa. This is our space to share honest koorero and helpful tips that make talking about money easier. The latest happenings within the Waikato-Tainui tribe and there is a lot happening. [4] In Hoeta Te Hata's account, however, the rituals were carried out by a nameless tohunga (priest), Waitapu came home already pregnant, and Te Ata-inutai planned to kill his grandchild if it proved to be male, but Waitapu covered the baby's front and tricked him into believing that she had given birth to another daughter. New Zealand Gazetteer. as well, and they set up a fortified trading station
killed at the well-defended Ngamotu Pa, but Te
[1], Te Ata-inutai was the son of Upoko-iti, a descendent of Raukawa and, through him, a direct descendant of Hoturoa, captain of the Tainui canoe. Moteatea, Pukapuka 1, Legends
Waikato is a growing tribe of over 80,000, and just like our tuupuna before us, we are voyagers and pioneers. It's easy to turn JavaScript on -, Co-management of Waikato and Waipa rivers, find out how to enable JavaScript in your browser, Central Whanganui (Te Korowai o Wainuirua), Ngti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tmaki nui-a-Rua, Rangitne o Wairarapa and Rangitne Tamaki nui--Rua, Whanganui Land Settlement (lower reaches of Whanganui), Deed of Settlement in relation to the Waikato River, Deed of Settlement in relation to the Waikato River Schedule, Agriculture, Forestry and Biosecurity Accord with Director-General, Agriculture, Forestry and Biosecurity Accord with Ministers, Deed of Covenant by Waikato Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc, Waikato-Tainui and Marutuahu agreed Framework in relation to areas of shared customary interests and the Waikato River Deed of Settlement, Agreement in Principle for the Settlement of Historical Claims in relation to the Waikato River, Terms of Negotiation (River, West Coast Harbours, Wairau & Waiuku blocks). Amohia Ake is the culmination of ACC's partnership with Waikato-Tainui, with Tainui Group Holdings developing the new whare which will house around 800 of our people, bringing together two existing Hamilton . The words recited herein are a . More generally the harbour is known as the . Across five key pou, Hapori, Taiao, Kaupapa, Whai Rawa and Mahi Tonu, we group and measure our mahi. Following the 1995 Waikato Raupatu Settlement, a governance model was implemented that incorporates a democratic structure. It preserves the integrity of Ngatas work and includes two audio CDs of waiata drawn from the Archive of Mori and Pacific Music at the University of Auckland. [4] Hamilton City is now the tribe's largest population centre, but Ngruawhia remains the tribe's historical centre and modern capital. Ko Waikato te awa Te Kotahi Oranga | Health and Wellness Centre, Te Kotahi Oranga | Health and Wellness Centre Referral Form. Ngamotu Pa 1832. A group arriving from the Waipa
To ensure Kiingitanga remains an eternal symbol of unity, Te Arikinui Tuheitia Paki (current Kiingi) and Makau Ariki (Royal Consort) Atawhai, strong in te reo Maaori and tikanga aspiring to the heights of excellence and leadership, educated and trained to enable our true potential, growing our hard-won estate, caring for our natural resources and investing for our tamariki, marae that are self-sufficient and people who are socially and economically successful, The Crown seeks on behalf of all New Zealanders to atone for these acknowledged injustices, so far as that is now possible, and, with the grievance of Raupatu finally settled as to the matters set out in the Deed of Settlement signed on May 22 1995 to begin the process of healing and to enter into a new age of co-operation with the Kiingitanga and Waikato.. [2][3], Ptatau Te Wherowhero, the first Mori king, was a member of the Waikato hapu (sub-tribe) of Ngti Mahuta, and his descendants have succeeded him. Whatahoro (1913), The State of Mori RightsMargaret Mutu (2011), Mau Moko: The World of Mori TattooNgahuia Te Awekotuku, Linda Waimarie Nikora, Mohi R. Rua, Rolinda Karapu and Becky Nunes (2007), Te Toi Whakairo: The Art of Mori CarvingSir Hirini Moko Mead (1986), Mori Television: The First Ten YearsJo Smith (2016), Ptea Whakairo: Mori and the Written WordBradford Haami (2004), The Coming of the MaoriPeter H. Buck (1949), Sociocultural Realities: Exploring New Horizons - Angus McFarlane, Sonja McFarlane & Melinda Webber (2015), Hkoi: Forty Years of Mori ProtestAroha Harris (2004), Ng Mteatea: He Maramara Rere n ng Waka Maha; The Songs: Scattered Pieces from Many Canoe AreasApirana Turupa Ngata (19281988), Ko Tahu, Ko Au: Ki Tahu Tribal IdentityHana ORegan (2001), Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou: Struggle Without EndRanginui Walker (1990), A Korao [krero] no New Zealand; or the New Zealanders first book; being an attempt to compose some lessons for the instruction of the natives Thomas Kendall (1815), A Whakapapa of Tradition: One Hundred Years of Ngti Porou Carving, 18301930Ngarino Ellis (2016), Colonising Myths Mori Realities: He Rukuruku WhakaaroAni Mikaere (2011). Ka mtakitaki iho au ki te riu o WaikatoAn nei hei kapo kau ake mkuKi te kapu o taku ringa,Ka whakamiri noa I tna aratau,E tia nei he tupu pua hou.Kia hiwa ake au I te tihi o Pirongia,In hei toronga whakaruruhau mnaKi tku tauawhirotanga.An! e tia nei he tupu pua hou. This version includes te reo Maaori sub-titles to aid learning of the chant. The College is the critical connection to the education ecosystem (through partnership opportunities with other education partners, marae and tribal member capability building and research.). To retain our historical role as Kaitiaki o te Kiingitanga2. We have an enduring entrepreneurial and innovative history. the tide of Kawhia: but
Kiingitanga was established in 1858 to unite all tribes under the leadership of Pootatau Te Wherowhero. Waikato-Tainui hold numerous events throughout the calendar year. It's a fifty-year long development approach to building the capacity of our iwi, hapuu and marae. Our most valuable possessions we hold as an iwi are the teachings given by our ancestors, taonga tuku iho, handed down from one generation to the next. Post to Pinterest Post to Facebook Post to Twitter. By continuing without changing your cookie settings, we assume you agree to this. Wharetiki had spent his childhood with the incoming
Twharetoa did not take part in any of the early 1863 raids and battles in Auckland. Apirana Ngata was the leading Mori figure of his day, a land reformer, politician and scholar who made a vital contribution to the revival of the Mori people and culture in the early years of the twentieth century. Waikato Tainui, Waikato or Tainui is a group of Mori iwi based in Waikato Region, in the western central region of New Zealand's North Island. Media releases, ACC and Tainui Group Holdings partner to create new home for ACC in the Waikato. The prioritised work streams that are now seen in the Five Year . The executive board is Te Arataura, which has 10 representatives elected from Te Kauhanganui and an 11th member appointed by the Mori king. The marae are spread over a large area from Te Kuiti and Cambridge in the south to Auckland in the north.
Ng Mteatea: He Maramara Rere n ng Waka Maha; The Songs: Scattered Wharetiki's
Waikato te awa Katohia, katohia he wai mu Katohia he wai mu Ka eke ki Te Paha o Waikato Te awa; he piko, he taniwha He piko, he taniwha Kia tpato r kei tahuri koe I ng au kaha o Waikato Whakamau t titiro ki tawhiti r Ko Taupiri te maunga Ptatau te tangata Te mauri o te motu e Te Ahurei o Tainui. [11], For a long time, Te Rangi-ita and Waitapu had only daughters and as a result, Te Rangi-ita stopped visiting Waitapu. Ramen. Te Whakakitenga o Waikato Incorporated manages the collective assets of the iwi. Listen to the Waiata: Waikato is the river It is currently on track to meet or exceed this when the first assessments are completed 12 months after the building is occupied. Waikato Tainui, Waikato or Tainui is a group of Mori iwi based in Waikato Region, in the western central region of New Zealand's North Island.
To Tatou Mahi - Waikato-Tainui Amohia Ake is the culmination of ACCs partnership with Waikato-Tainui, with Tainui Group Holdings developing the new whare which will house around 800 of our people, bringing together two existing Hamilton offices. Based at Ng Whare Waatea marae in Mangere, it is located in the middle of the biggest Mori population in Aotearoa. Kiingitanga was established in 1858 to unite all tribes under . John McGregor, Ko nga waiata Maori; na te Maori o Waikato e tuhituhi 1864 1910 . Waikato-Tainui has proudly developed this whare as a long-term home for the hard-working kaimahi (staff) of ACC in a way that benefits ACC, Hamilton, our wider region and Waikato-Tainui itself, she says. Therefore, according to Pei Te Hurinui Jones, she left Marae-kwhai, travelling home to her father, who performed special karakia ('incantations') and told her that if she returned to Marae-kwhai and had sex with Te Rangi-ita, she would bear a son, which is what happened. Waikato is the tribe Let us know how we can keep improving the experience on our website. Last edited on 16 December 2019, at 01:25, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Waitoetoe_River&oldid=930950326, This page was last edited on 16 December 2019, at 01:25. Explore the range of grants, subsidies, scholarship and health assistance opportunities currently available to tribal members. Ng whakamoemiti, whakawhetai, e Ihu eMo au manaakitanga, ki te iwi e tau neiKo koe te piringa, ka puta ki te orangaE te ariki, pai marireE te ariki pai marire. Whakatauk are proverbs where the person who said it first is known. Te Kaokaoroa-o-Paatetere. and Traditions of the Taranaki Coast, Nga
NZ Waiata Tangi * Te Tai o Kawhia - LK * SONG Ownership of the underlying whenua, which is a former maara kai or vegetable garden in pre-colonial days is retained by Waikato-Tainui, with ACC taking a long-term lease over the new offices. Waikato-Tainui has an insurance programme to ensure our marae have insurance that is affordable and offers peace of mind. Graphs are temporarily unavailable due to technical issues.
Waikato-Tainuis purpose is to leverage opportunities for tribal members and marae through the Ngaa Tohu framework and initiatives. 20 Waikato Te Awa. The tribe is named after the Waikato River, which plays a large part in its history and culture. Kaimahi will begin moving in Wednesday 26th April. 'E p t hau', a very famous waiata tangi, or lament, was probably written by Rangiamoa of Ngti Apakura, one of the tribes of Waikato. A Waikato tradition traces the name to Tmaki-makau-rau, a woman chief who was the daughter of Te Huia and the Ngti Te Ata chief Te Rangikiamata. This week our Kirikiriroa-Hamilton based kaimahi (staff) will be moving into their new office, Amohia Ake.
Journal of the Polynesian Society: Supplement: Nga Moteatea, Part I, P There is
Find our press releases and other media here too. Wellington: Polynesian Society, 1928, 1961, 1980, 1988. The Taniwha Water Storage Project (Wai Ora) was one of the five Taniwha Projects that form Amohia Ake - the Waikato-Tainui resilience plan. Parekawhia McLean, Chair of Te Whakakitenga o Waikato, the Waikato-Tainui parliament, said the new home for ACC in Hamilton is a case study in the successful commercial development of whenua that came back to the iwi through the 1995 settlement process, and will produce benefits for all. . Strategic objectives1. Kawhia district. As university students across New Zealand commence their first semester studies this week, we celebrate pirana Turupa Ngata (1874-1950, Ngti Porou) whose many achievements include being the first Mori to complete a degree at a New Zealand university. [See Nga Moteatea Vol.
It is a rich resource for continuing research and scholarship in many fields, offers prime texts in the teaching of Mori language, literature and tribal history and serves as inspiration for contemporary composition and performance. This is all aligned to Whakatupuranga 2050. on Ngamotu beach, now next to the port of New
In the face of a pandemic history has shown that here in Aotearoa, Maaori are the most susceptible. the Kawhia harbour.
The tribe is named after the Waikato River, which plays a large part in its history and culture. Whakatupuranga 2050 will be our legacy for those who come after us. History of the Maori, History
He maunga motuhake ki roto i ngaa whakapapa, puuraakau, moteatea, paatere o Tainui Waka.
53, pp 170 -173, and the Ngarimu Souvenir Programme, page 20 for the English version and commentary]. [6] At Rangatira Point, they attacked the fortress of Pnui, where they killed a lady called Hine-te-ao, but her husband Twharetoa a Turiroa eluded them and made it to Whakngiangi, where he warned Ngti Twharetoa of the invasion. Tainui Moteatea. Movement Idea. Drum Circle.
NZ Folksong * Maori Songs The Songs: Scattered Pieces from Many Canoe Areas.
Tribal history and places - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand Te reo Maaori me ngaa tikanga o Waikato are an important part of our identity and sense of belonging. The explanations follow on the title given in Grey's Nga Moteatea (M. 16) which describes the song as "a Lament for a Basket of rotted Kumara seeds.".
Waikato-Tainui We present to you the ever-evolving Waikato-Tainui story. Plymouth. Tomairangi Paki founder and Leader of Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui Kapahaka roopu.
Te Ata-inutai - Wikipedia [4] The genealogical links (whakapapa) resulting from the marriage between Waitapu and Te Rangi-ita are recounted in a waiata by Peou, which is included in pirana Ngata and Pei Te Hurinui Jones' collection of waiata Nga Moteatea.
Tr te awatea - Waikato - YouTube Agreement in Principle for the Settlement of Historical Claims in relation to the Waikato River.
Waikato Tainui - Wikipedia wtotainui - WebStarts Leveraging our collective buying power to create wealth opportunities for tribal members and marae. Newspaper AGE-OLD CEREMONY (Evening Post, 16 February 1935) Date: 16-02-1935 From: Evening Post The name Amohia Ake takes its significance from a Waikato-Tainui tongikura (saying), Amohia ake te ora o te iwi, ka puta ki te whei ao - the wellbeing of the people is paramount.. This publication is part of the seriesTe Takarangi: Celebrating Mori publications- a sample list of 150 non-fiction booksproduced by a partnershipbetween Royal Society Te Aprangi andNg Pae o te Mramatanga. Arawi Pa at midnight, with the very unwell Te
Ka whakamiri noa i toona aratau, Waikato-Tainui and Marutuahu agreed Framework in relation to areas of shared customary interests and the Waikato River Deed of Settlement.
It also encourages active and sustainable transport options with 82 bicycle parks, end of trip facilities and 12 charging stations for electric vehicles. Tainui traditions name the harbour Te Mnukanuka-a-Hoturoa (the troublesome waters of Hoturoa) because of the sandbanks and quick-moving tides. Rauparaha's version was changed to form ", Nga
Century, when some Maori were forced from their
327KB. Mangatoatoa is between. We are here to support you in your business through the coordinated utilisation of our expertise, our resources, and our partnerships to help your business to thrive.
Tainui creation stories brought into the light The Waikato iwi has been using the name Tainui to describe itself for some time, through the establishment of the Tainui Mori Trust Board by the Waikato-Maniapoto Maori Claims Settlement Act 1946, with many people now referring to the Waikato iwi as "Tainui" or "Waikato-Tainui". The team concentrates on ensuring Kiingitanga and Waikato narratives are embedded into physical projects and live on for generations. We actively work to protect our rights and interests in freshwater. Use the Cross or Check marks in the top toolbar to select your answers in the list boxes. The prioritised work streams that are now seen in the Five Year Plan have been developed to deliver outcomes in line with our three strategic objectives, our Ngaa Tohu framework, and our Whakatupuranga 2050 aspirations. click here, An te pai, te huareka eTe nohonga o ng tinaO ng tukana, kotahi ana rI roto i te ara paiKei te toimairangi o HeremonaI ng maunga o HionaI whakahautia te kupu a te AtuaHei ora m ake tonu e, Ka waiata ki a MariaHine i whakaaeWhakameatia mai he whare tangataHine protu, hine ngkauHine rangimrieKo te whaea, ko te whaeaO te ao.