| |13.00 | |12.00 | | ||Demonbone ||Mammoth Whopper |24 | |60 | | |knights|Glutton's Mace | |200 | |knights|Twin Hooks | |15 Level calculator. | ||Charged Ghost Charm | | | ||Thaian Sword |69.00 | | | |10 |270 | |36.00 |250 |earth +8%, fire -8% | The skills shown in game are the character's base skills with the account's loyalty bonus. |400 |0 | |2 | | | |0 | |28 | | |22 |270 |25.00 |11 |holy magic level +1 |knights|Eerie Song Book | |15.00 |5.00 |9 | | | |5.00 |1 | | |30.00 | | ||Golden Magic Longsword | |knights|Earthheart Cuirass | |knights|Umbral Mace | |6.66 |18.40 | | |energy +7% |sorcerers and druids|Dragon Scale Legs Summary. |paladins|Flower Dress |200 |33 |6.50 |1 |speed +10 | |2 | |2 | |210.00 |10 | This tool can be used to check the character's real skills without the loyalty bonus, which should be the same used on the official highscores. |knights|Frostheart Platemail | | | |50 |3 ||Werewolf Amulet |64.00 ||Studded Helmet | | | ||Barrel and Anchor Lamp |18 |19.89 |paladins|Ring of Ending | | | ||Rift Lamp | | |knights|Frostheart Hauberk |death +5% |physical +5% ||Bonebreaker |32 | | ||Wooden Shield |60 | |9 | |27 | | |38.00 |45 | |400 This page is protected to prevent harmful edits. |35 | | |63.00 |0 |22.50 | |distance fighting +4 |200 |35 |7.50 This kind of damage can be sometimes blocked by the target's Shielding . | | | |8.00 |paladins|Eldritch Claymore | | | | | |75 | | |35.00 | | |fire magic level +1, energy magic level +1 | | | ||Hunting Spear |22 |40 | | | ||Suspicious Device | |12.00 | |knights|Terra Hood |59.00 |40 |death +5% | ||True Heart of the Sea | | | ||Icy Barbarian Axe | | |0.80 |18 | | |magic level +4 |fire +8%, ice -8% | | ||Ancient Amulet (Quest) |sorcerers|Demon Legs ||Traditional Neckerchief | | | | |6 |20.00 |250 | | | | | | | |distance fighting +3 ||Helmet of the Lost | |25 | | |2 ||Metal Wall Lamp | | |59.00 | |50 | | |35 |physical +4% | | |physical +6% |5.00 |7 ||Reaper's Axe | |knights|Ornate Testtplate | | | |0 |sorcerers|Axe Ring |9 | |sorcerers|Dragon Scale Mail |ice +11%, energy -3% |42.00 |5.00 |35 | | | Contact an administrator if you want to suggest changes to the page. | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spiritthorn Armor |55.00 |15.00 |54.00 |9 | | | |3 |27.00 |150 ||The Ironworker |25 ||Robe of the Ice Queen | | There is a spell, called Magic Shield, that makes damage taken by monsters (or possibly players if you play on a PvP -server) not reduce your Hit Points, but your Mana. |earth +10% | |65.00 | | |20 |axe fighting +4 |2.20 |physical +4%, fire +2% |sorcerers and druids|Spellscroll of Prophecies |druids|Musician's Bow |0 ||Scythe of the Reaper |25.00 |13 | | |75 ||Meat Shield |97.00 ||Pirate Boots | ||Paw Amulet |sorcerers and druids|Dark Shield | | |24 | |5.00 | |magic shield |0 | |18 | | |speed +15 ||The Cobra Amulet | | |earth +5% | |31.00 |17 |sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2 |33 | |knights|Fur Boots |60 |magic level +1 |earth +8%, fire -8% ||Sea-devil Wall Lamp (Lit) |10 |26 |50 |magic level +2 |5 |25 | |sorcerers|Wand of Dragonbreath | | ||Glass of Goo ||Copper Shield |knights|Crystal Necklace | | | |2 Features: You can save/load multiple characters/targets/spells; | | | ||Ring of Souls (Depleted) | | | |70 | | ||Silver Medal |49.00 |sorcerers and druids|Golden Boots | ||Symbol of Sun and Sea |60 | | | |16 |magic level +5 | | ||Shadow Sceptre |188.00 |115.00 | | |29.00 | | |club fighting +5 |33.00 | |magic level +2 |magic level +2 |sorcerers|Wand of Vortex |64.00 | |0.80 | |2 | | |0.50 | | | | | |60.00 |earth +3% | | | |sorcerers|Soulstrider | ||Sedge Hat |magic level +4 |22 | | |85.00 |17.00 ||Mythril Axe |13 | | | | |5.00 |physical +3% | |6.50 |84.00 |18 | |sword fighting +1, axe fighting +1, club fighting +1 ||Golden Helmet ||Firewalker Boots ||Gold Ring ||Green Demon Armor |sorcerers|Wand of Darkness | | |60 |29 ||Time Ring | |5 |40 | | ||Santa Hat | | |31 |knights|Falcon Rod | | |84.50 | | |1.00 |60 |79.00 ||Ornamented Axe ||Magic Longsword |9 | ||Phoenix Shield |sorcerers and druids|Vampire Shield |2 | | |48.00 | |6.80 | |energy +20%, earth -10% | |80.00 |35.00 |fire +4% | Tibia and all products related to Tibia are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. | | ||Shield of Care ||Boots of Homecoming |50.00 |4.50 | |magic level +2 |axe fighting +3 |85.00 |earth +4%, fire -5% |17 |10 | |60 |earth +7% |18 |energy +5%, earth -5% |16 |8 ||Great Axe | Also note the distance hit % used is the max you can get with a high distance skill, I will adjust it to properly calculate the miss chance for low distance skills according to TibiaWiki formula. |sorcerers and druids|Glacier Mask |16.50 | | |druids|Soulmaimer |3 |180 |40 | |3.00 | | | |19.00 | | |61.50 | | | |31 |energy +8%, earth -8% |12 |180 | |magic level +1 | | |5.00 | | ||Ornate Shield |22 ||Shroud of Despair | |80, |21 This tool calculates the time it will take you to reach your target skill while offline or online training. |4.20 | | | |15 | | |25 | |48.00 | |82 | | | |magic level +1 |18 |200 Check if you get cheaper imbuing Strike with items or buying Gold Tokens. |sword fighting +3 | |60 | |150 Email me at this address if my answer is selected or commented on: Email me if my answer is selected or commented on. |20 Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. |0.10 |26 | | |50.00 |0 The result is that the target loses Hitpoints (or Mana if using Magic Shield spell or an Energy Ring). |magic level +1 |paladins|Hive Scythe | | | | |21 | ||Zaoan Sword | ||Wolf Tooth Chain |30 | | |24.00 |physical +3%, earth +8% | |physical +2% |12 | | |50 At some point I will do some tests to confirm the results (atm I have just a low level EK because my old char has been sold in the bazaar). | |27.00 |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Warding |5 ||Energized Limb | |knights|Crude Umbral Blade | | | | | | | |25 | |50 | |300 | | |20 |5.10 | | | |90.00 |0.80 |100 | | | | | | ||Double Axe ||Dark Wizard's Crown (Activated) |19 ||Kitchen Lamp | | |33 | | | | |0 ||Mining Helmet | | |400 |16 |24 |250 | |fire +7%, ice -7% Percentage Reduction This formula have to be applied for every single item that has percentage reduction. | |19.00 | |8 |75.00 |18 |28.00 | | | |0 | ||Thunderheart Cuirass |19 | ||Green Pit Demon - Melee (Axe/Club/Sword) training for knights Magical Damage cannot be blocked, and the damage it inflicts is not reduced by the target's armor. | |20 | | | |47.00 |7.70 | ||Swamplair Armor | |250 |ice +3% | |130.00 | |65 | |physical +1% | |club fighting +2 |400 | |16 |10 | |magic level +4 | |150 |8 You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. |distance fighting +4 |fire +10% ||Greenwood Coat | |earth +5% |knights|The Chiller | |4.20 | | | ||Iron Crown |ice +5%, energy -5% | |energy +5%, earth -5% Starting level: Target level: (Optional) Exp per hour (in kk/h): (Optional) Hours hunting per day: TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. | |31 ||Tortoise Shield | |12.00 |7.00 |66.00 | | |11.50 |31 |axe fighting +3 | | | | | |2 |5 | | |180 | |4.90 | |12 |knights|Wailing Widow's Necklace |68.00 | |100 |37 | | |0.90 |70 |ice +4%, energy -5% |80.00 | Training Calculator Leech Calculator Rashid in Darashia Calculator to work out the amount of experience points needed between two levels. | | | | |7 |5.00 | | |50.00 |200 | |death +5% | | | |37 | |22.00 | |16 |2 | |33 |10.00 Created by Kusnier. ||Burial Shroud |300 |55 | | |7.50 | | | | | |32.00 | |120.00 ||Heroic Axe |physical +5%, fire +6%, ice -10% |21 | |16.00 |90 | |9 ||Golden Bell |19 |68.00 | | | ||Plate Legs | |8.05 | |84.00 |28.50 | | | |24 | |sorcerers|Metal Spats ||Horseman Helmet |10 | | | | |sword fighting +3 | | |59.00 | | |59.00 |120 |61.50 |14 |22.00 | |0 | | | ||Wooden Spellbook | | | | | | | | | ||Red Tunic |27 |knights|Gilded Eldritch Rod | | |knights|Phantasmal Axe | | |27.00 |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Plate | |22 | | | |5.00 ||Broken Ring of Ending | | | | | |24.50 |28 ||Turquoise Flower Lamp (Lit) | | |invisibility |0.20 | |38.00 |75.00 | |sorcerers and druids|Silver Chimes |9 | |95.00 ||Lit Torch (Sparkling) | |150 | ||Energy Mystic Blade |1 | | |without|Mercenary Sword |5.50 |4.50 | | | | | | | |paladins|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Magic) ||Obsidian Zaoan Rook | | |physical +6%, energy +10% |35 | |0 | | |180 | |30 | ||Guardian Halberd |82 |26.00 |250 |28 |5.00 | |, | |ice +12% |18 | |10 |85 | | |sorcerers|Demon Armor |2 | | |5 | | |41.00 |earth +2%, fire -2% | | Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. It will enable you to talk to each of them to learn all sorts of interesting tidbits about the Tibian world and to get to know them on a more personal level. |14.00 |18.00 |65 | | | | - Distance training for paladins, Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! | |5.00 |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% | | |0 | |14.50 | |33.00 ||Red Pit Demon |paladins|Crude Umbral Hammer | Scan this QR code to download the app now. |125.00 |20 | | | | | |27 | ||Naga Axe |paladins|Soulshredder |27 | |3 | | |400 | |78.00 | | | |120.00 | | |distance fighting +3 | ||Strange Good Night Songs |64.50 |physical +4% |39 |magic level +1 ||Knife | | |5.20 |37.00 |physical +3% | | | |22 | ||Fiery Relic Sword |9 | |11 |110.00 |distance fighting +3 | | | | | |7 | |ice +2% The tool assumes: - Magic level training for mages (Druids & Sorcerers) - Melee (Axe/Club/Sword) training for . | |25 | | | |3 | | |13.00 | |6 | |axe fighting +3 | |21 | | |0 | |fire +8%, ice -8% | |13.00 | | |axe fighting +2 | ||Bear Skin |sorcerers and druids|Brain in a Jar |1 | | | |30 ||Dragon Lance | |0 |magic level +1 By continuing to use this website, you |25.00 ||Blade of Destruction | |100 ||Pumpkinhead (Lit) | |6 | | |35 |30 | |druids|Molten Plate |7.80 | |4.00 | |19 | |14 | |5 |5.00 | |0 | |0.70 |7.50 | |35 | |105 | for example a lvl 100 with ML 50 deals more dmg than a lvl 80 with the same ML? |37 |druids|Mutated Skin Legs |51.00 | ||Sun Mirror |52.00 | |26 | | |magic level +1 | | |300 |ice +3%, energy -3% | |axe fighting +2 | | |38.00 |120 |35.00 |8.20 |39 | |ice +5% | | Ghost, Pirate Ghost, Spectre, Phantasm and Dipthrah are some of the creatures that are immune to physical damage. ||Northwind Rod ||Energy Orcish Maul |12.00 | |10.00 | |0.90 |energy +4% |250 | |110.00 ||Mino Shield ||Orcish Axe |death +5% ||Rhodolith Necklace ||Butterfly Ring | | |sorcerers|Wand of Decay |250 | | | | | |5.00 |230 |5.00 |140 |8 | | |25 | | | |35 |54.00 | ||Ornamented Shield | ||Ceremonial Mask | | | UPDATE 4: Decided to not follow TibiaWiki formula for EK spells. |28 |102.00 | |22 |31 |knights and paladins|Dream Shroud | |145.00 | |200 |knights|Umbral Bow | | | |80 | |distance fighting +3 |8.00 |31.00 | Subreddit dedicated to the game Tibia, an MMORPG developed by CipSoft. ||Heavy Metal T-Shirt | |59.00 | | |32.00 | | |80 | |13.00 |6 | | |fire +3% | | | |5.00 |fire +2%, earth +2%, energy +2%, ice +2% |5.00 |21 | | | ||Sentinel Shield | | ||Energy Dragon Slayer |123.00 |7 |120 |23 |20 |200 |speed +10 | |18 | |62.00 |19.00 | |11 |19.00 |36.00 | |50 ||Bright Sword |200 |58.00 | |47.00 | | | | |21 | | |magic level +2 ||Purple Flower Lamp (Lit) |9 ||Pirate Hat |paladins|Lion Longsword | |82.00 | | |5.00 |druids|Makeshift Boots Tibia is copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. | | |38.00 |knights|Cobra Club |69.00 | |31 | |11.00 |18.50 | | |100 |13 | | |150 ||Amulet of Loss |physical +5% | |35.00 | |90.00 | | |120 |400 |33 | | | |knights|Eldritch Tome |12 | ||Jagged Sword | |23 | | | | |16 |knights|Fiery Headchopper |28 ||Guardian Boots | | |400 ||Demon Helmet |60 |6.00 |shielding +3 |9 | |25.00 ||Black Skull (Item) | | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% | | |9.00 | | |34 | | | |55.00 | | | ||Rainbow Necklace |400 ||Ancient Tiara ||Fish Tail (Unequipped) |100 | | | |12 | | |10.00 Level calculator. |1 | |12.40 | Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! |death +5% |45.00 | ||Obsidian Zaoan King |axe fighting +1 |knights|Glooth Club | |16 |38.00 | |magic level +2 | You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. ||Prismatic Boots | |37.00 ||Obsidian Truncheon |10 | | | |2.00 | | |85 |paladins|Eldritch Cuirass |71.00 | ||Dwarven Ring | | ||Party Hat | |38.00 |10.00 |81.00 | |24 | |90.00 |15.00 | |knights|Journal Shield | | | |5.00 | | |6 |50 |0 |knights|Lion Rod |club fighting +3 | | | | ||Earth Crystal Mace |13 | | | | ||The Epic Wisdom |145.00 |59.00 ||Unstable Ring of Ending |knights|Blacksteel Sword ||Ogre Klubba | | ||Jade Zaoan King |120 | |distance fighting +2 |earth +8%, fire -8% | |speed -6 | |220 Training calculator. |250 | |75 |energy +4% |12 | | | | | ||Great Shield |25 | | | |21 |18 | | | | | | |30 |99.00 |sorcerers and druids|Wood Cape |11 | |8 | |35.00 | | |75 |51.00 ||Heart Lamp |0 | |25.50 |50 | | | | | |140 |12 | |20 |death +10% |200 |0.00 | | | | |4 |51.00 | | |80.00 ||Sword Ring |150 | | Ideal for calculating how many CT would cost you to buy GOLD in lukewarm. | ||Blessed Shield ||Bonfire Amulet |magic level +2 | |0.80 |7 | |120 |knights|Umbral Slayer |None|The Scorcher ||Golden Amulet |72.00 |45.00 |28.00 |8 | |0.50 | |75.00 |63.00 |, | |knights and paladins|Mutated Skin Armor |30.00 |30 | ||Icy Culottes | |10 | ||Wand of Dimensions | |knights|Dragon Hammer | |distance fighting +4 |250 |55.00 | |magic level +2, healing magic level +2 |, |0 |2 |knights|Heated Worm Punisher ||Broken Wedding Ring | |4.30 | | | | ||The Crown of the Percht Queen (Ice) | |7.30 | |8 | | | | | | |220 ||Ravager's Axe |distance fighting +2, shielding +2 |druids|Lion Wand | |life drain +50% |82.00 |0 ||Koshei's Ancient Amulet ||Icy Crystal Mace |fire +3%, ice -3% | |30 | | | |40 | |knights and paladins|Gill Legs |12 | | | | | |5 | |32 | |48.00 |22 |knights|Spooky Hood | |0 | | | |knights|Naga Crossbow | | | |70.00 |0 |36.00 |60 |48.00 |fire +20%, ice -10% | |44.00 | | | |6 |distance fighting +1 ||Tiara of Power |84.50 | | |sword fighting +2, club fighting +2, axe fighting +2 |110.00 | |10.00 | |400 ||Fiery Cranial Basher | ||Sun Catcher |8 |6.00 | |270 | |31 | |65 |magic level +1 | | |knights|Blessed Sceptre |0 | |ice +3%, energy -3% |180.00 | |8.50 | |150.00 | ||Energy Ring |400 |club fighting +4 |400 | | |25 |69.00 | |fire +8% | | |0 | | |60 |400 |11 | ||Bonelord Helmet | |paladins|Frozen Plate |100 |0 | |11.00 agree to their use. | | ||Fiery Dragon Slayer ||Earthborn Titan Armor |0 |axe fighting +2 | | |25.00 | | |knights|Machete | | | |26.00 |270 | | | |220 | How do fighting stances affect hit chance and damage? |5.00 | ||Shapeshifter Ring | |7.00 ||Icy Cranial Basher |29.00 | | | | |magic level +1 ||Icy Orcish Maul |100.00 | |3 | | | | |knights|Hand Axe |paladins|Longsword |knights and paladins|Engraved Wedding Ring |paladins|Twiceslicer ||Reflecting Crown | |80 |sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1 | | |sorcerers and druids|Ring of Healing |3.60 | | | |0 | |20 |physical +10% | | | | | | | | | | |200 | | ||Light Mace Armor See Armor Calculator . | |55 Summary. |knights|Shield of Destiny | | | | |31.00 | |knights|Pharaoh Sword | |29.00 |58.00 |13 | |150 | |85.00 Training calculator. | ||Skull Helmet |40.00 |55.00 | | |knights|Soultainter ||Crystal Sword |0 |52.50 |energy +8%, earth -8% ||Lion Axe |paladins|Cowtana |270 | |5.00 | |10.00 | | | |magic level +5, healing magic level +1, ice magic level +1 |89.00 | |150 | | | | | |80 |33 | |60 | |60 |80 | |fire +3%, ice -3% |75 |29.00 ||Energy Knight Axe | |club fighting +2 |51.00 ||Leaf Crown | |earth +4% | | |knights|Gilded Eldritch Bow ||Damaged Helmet | |knights and paladins|Lavos Armor | ||Traditional Gamsbart Hat |60 | Use Calculator Loot Analyer Automatic calculator to distribute waste and profit in a team hunt. ||Maimer | | | |50 | |250 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Blue Spectacles |29.50 | |2.00 |3 |50 |2.00 The color for physical damage might vary depending on the creature that receives it. |death +8%, holy -50% | | | | | |65 | ||Fire Sword ||Thunder Hammer |knights|Cobra Crossbow |18.00 | |sorcerers and druids|Brass Shield |speed +10 |magic level +3 | | | |death +12% | |physical +13% ||Family Signet Ring | | | | |24.00 | ||Garnet Necklace |25.00 | | | | |66.00 | ||Steel Boots | ||Eldritch Folio |axe fighting +5 |20 | |95.00 |0 |0 | | Guilds in Tibia: 2735 People in guilds: 210981 Random guild: Exemplary Citizens The most guilds: Antica (122) The least guilds: Zuna (1) Avg . | |200 | |75 | | |48.00 | | | ||Bone Fiddle |magic level +1 |knights|Icy War Hammer | |magic level +3, faster Regeneration | |0 |19 | | |20 | | |9.50 | |distance fighting +2 | |40.00 | | |0 | | | |61.00 | | When selecting the other types the time and cost will be calculated assuming total usage of the weapons, which may be far superior to the time/cost required to get a certain skill. |25.00 |28.00 | | |89.00 |32 | |91.00 |82.00 |50 | |40.00 | |75 |knights|Lion Hammer |physical +4% | |8 |55.00 |21 | | ||Scarf | |fist fighting +6 | Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://www.mityz.com/tibia/character/calculators, https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5836. | | | |35.00 | |8 | | |knights and paladins|Goo Shell | |145.00 |paladins|Enchanted Sleep Shawl | |club fighting +4 | ||Starlight Vial |27.00 |8 |20 | | |0 | | ||Mallet Handle |0.80 | | |25 |physical +4% | |120 | | |magic level +2, healing magic level +2, mana leech 1% Tibia Damage Calculator Missing spells values: All values have to be looked at as tons of changes were made since the last version of the app. |sorcerers|Spear | |knights|Umbral Axe | | | |knights|Gilded Eldritch Greataxe |23 |0.80 | | | |35.00 |35.00 | |12.00 |18.50 | |27 |35 |1 | | |death +3% | | |20.00 |200 | |knights|Rattling Gourd | | |8 |30 |96.00 |40 I have adjusted it to use the new character level bonus scale. |3 | |0.90 |65.00 |90 |21 Tibia and all products related to Tibia are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. ||Sea-devil Wall Lamp |paladins|Royal Spear | | ||Blue Flame ||Horn (Ring) | |54.00 |speed +20 |energy +8%, physical +6%, ice -2% |sorcerers and druids|Lion Spangenhelm |200 |1 ||Chain Armor ||Enchanted Staff |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Mind Control | |70 |knights|Battle Hammer |19.00 | |21.00 | |sorcerers|Alicorn Quiver | Physical Damage is inflicted by melee attacks and Distance Weapons, as well as some runes and spells. | | |400 You signed in with another tab or window. | |61.50 |40 |25 | |180 ||Simple Dress ||Table Lamp | | | |1 | |25 | | ||Paladin Armor |6 | | |1 | | | |29.00 |8 |42.00 |65.00 |2.00 |faster regeneration | | |druids|Unliving Demonbone | | |54.00 | It is clear the buff from the latest balance changes are not applied to the character level bonus in the formula. | |knights|Demonwing Axe Calculator to work out the amount of experience points needed between two levels. | | |9 | ||Crown Armor | |29 | | |club fighting +5 |physical +20%, fire +20%, earth +20%, energy +20%, ice +20%, holy +20%, death +20% |6 | |55 | | Cookie Notice | |65 |energy +8% |130 |physical +80%, death +80% |145.00 |6 | ||Void Boots |150 | |30 | | You can find more information about our cookies on our. | |36 |sword fighting +1 |25 |15.00 ||Resizer | | | |56.00 | | | t = total armor d = damage (after the shield) p = percentage reduction of item Armor Reduction where denotes floor function (rounding down). |58.00 | Best answer I took these fromulas from tibiawikia Melee: Min= lvl/5 Max=0.085datkskill+lvl/5 atk = Weapon's attack d = Damage Factor: Full Attack: 1 Balanced: 0.75 Full Defence: 0.5 Whirlwind Throw: min: (skill+atk)/3+lvl/5 max: skill+atk+lvl5 avg: (max+min)/2=2/3 (skill+atk)+lvl/5 Groundshaker: min: 0.5 (skill+atk)+lvl/5 |sorcerers and druids|Magma Legs | |knights|Wooden Sword |physical +10%, energy +8% ||Gnome Sword |39.00 ||Sapphire Amulet |21 | | |physical +3%, fire +8% | |35 |85.00 | | | | |12 | Find out how many exercise weapons, time and money would cost to achieve your desired skill | |85.00 |90.00 | Here is the link: https://www.mityz.com/tibia/character/calculators. | | ||Helmet of Ultimate Terror The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. | ||Mystic Blade Party Shared Calculator, enter your LVL and discover. | | | | | |19 | | |54.00 | | |55.00 | | | | |1 | |sword fighting +3 |sorcerers and druids|Cape | ||Onyx Pendant | | | |paladins|Rift Lance |35 | |6.50 | |2 | |3 |15 |knights|Arbalest Stamina calculator. |19.00 |10.00 | | |400 | |knights|Eldritch Greataxe | ||Ornate Chestplate | |sorcerers|Royal Draken Mail | |250 ||Golden Warlord Sword |30 | |80.00 |2.00 |magic level +4, earth magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% | | |64.00 ||Daramian Mace | ||Hive Bow | |28 |fire +8%, ice -8% |paladins|Eldritch Shield |4.00 |paladins and without|Rainbow Shield | |paladins|Gilded Eldritch Claymore |270 |75 |12 | | | |400 | | |0 | |magic level +2 |11.00 | ||Necrotic Rod | | | |38 | ||Green Demon Helmet |holy +8% Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. |energy +8%, earth -8% |magic level +2 |22 ||Hammer of Destruction | ||Haunted Blade |fire +6% |2.50 ||Silkweaver Bow |65 |7 | ||Lightning Pendant
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