HE negotiation archives. ballot staff in disputes over pay & conditions and pensions, University marking boycott begins despite 'lock out' threats, marking and assessment boycott will begin from Monday 23 May, voted for a marking and assessment boycott, thirty-six institutions have voted to continue strike action, with 74% of members voting YES, 'there is no doubt whatsoever about members' commitment, warned of a staff exodus from UK universities, UK higher education - a workforce in crisis [217kb], is causing material and reputational damage to the sector, The new ballots over deteriorating pay and conditions, UK universities to face five more days of strike action before Easter, Strike action over pay and conditions continues next week at UK universities, there was now a 'nationally orchestrated move by employers to bully and intimidate UCU members', Staff warn rogue university bosses to prepare for more strike action over pay deductions, Official statistics show why university staff are taking strike action, UCU general secretary Jo Grady has also written to members on the action here, Universities will see strike action next month unless employers meet pension and pay demands, Strike action from February in the USS and Four Fights disputes, another 12 universities have voted in favour of joining industrial action, Jo Grady told members the results are another powerful signal, University strikes begin after bosses refuse to budge on pensions, pay & working conditions, Huge numbers of staff and students on campus picket lines up and down the country, Vice-chancellor pay exposes 'cavernous' gap between staff & management, UCU writes to university bosses setting out how to avoid pre-Christmas campus strikes, latest from the general secretary on next steps, Big mandate for strike action at UK universities over pay & working conditions, Jo Grady said this report should cause every vice chancellor in the sector to hang their heads in shame, the extent of precarious employment in HE, wrote to members on our demands for sector-wide change, University staff pay cut by 20%, new figures show, Your ballot papers arrive this week: vote YES to industrial action, Jo also spoke with student newspaper The Tab, the timetable for action on both the pay and USS disputes, special higher education sector conference (HESC), special sector conference on 9 September 2021, the employers' 1.5% pay offer is not god enough, You can read the full claim here. You do not have to take it as cue to revise your offer down. Professional Pay in Higher Education Faculty United Service The rejection of the pay and conditions proposals means a marking and assessment boycott will nowcommenceat145UK universities onThursday20 April,unless employers putan enhancedoffer on the table. Then I ended by saying that Id be willing to discontinue discussions with my current institution if we were able to come to an agreement on the final sticking points of salary and start-up funding. As a person of color, he said, I always got the underhand By necessity, I said, No more. If Im going to bring value, I need to communicate that. JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: joint union statement, 4 April 2022 [122kb], The higher education joint trade union claim 2022/23 has been agreed by the five HE trade unions; UNISON, Unite, EIS, GMB and UCU, and has been submitted to the employer's representatives at UCEA in advance of the first JNCHES negotiating meeting on 30 March: Strike action will run for three days from Wednesday 1 December to Friday 3 December, and the higher education committee has decided to call action short of a strike (ASOS) from 1 December, starting with working to contract only. WebInstitutional CHRIS Contacts Period Leavers Report Leavers in the Next Calendar Month Limit of Tenure/Funding Control Maternity Absences NMC Registrations ending in the Universities will see further strike action in February unless employers meet UCU's demands over pay & conditions. UCU general secretary Jo Grady wrote to members on our demands for sector-wide change as part of our 'four fights' dispute arising from the repeated failure of employers to address this aspect of our annual claim. Over 30,000 voted in the poll conducted over just four days this week. negotiations .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 49% !important; margin-bottom: 1.5em !important; } .positionleft.inlineimage { margin-right: 0.5% !important; } .positionright.inlineimage { margin-left: 0.5% !important; } @media(max-width:600px) { .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 100% !important; margin: 0 0 1em 0 !important; } #emergencybanner {margin-bottom: -1em !important;} }. The joint unions (UCU, Unison, Unite, GMB, and EIS) met with representatives of the employers (UCEA) on 30 November. However, were an inflation-linked offer to be made, we would want to hear it, alongside discussions about how we improve non pay related elements of our dispute. UCEA: final pay offer 2022-23, May 22 [311kb], JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: joint union letter, 29 April 2022 [105kb], JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: joint union statement, 26 April 2022 [28kb], JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: UCEA opening offer [396kb], JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: joint union statement, 4 April 2022 [122kb], improving work life balance and reducing workloads, Week 2 - Thursday 9 and Friday 10 February, Week 3 - Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 February, Week 4 - Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 February, Week 5 - Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 February and Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 March, [No action week commencing Monday 6 March]. Pay in Scotland. I got a mix of clear, pragmatic advice along with evidence of systemic problems requiring different solutions. The gender gap in pay has remained relatively stable in the United States over the past 20 years or so. You can read the joint union statement on the meeting here. It involved an offer of a 2.75% sub-inflationary rise on the majority of pay points, with bottom loading on pay points 3-19 ranging from 6% at point 3 to 2.8% at point 19, to accommodate the legal requirement to meet the new national minimum wage. .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 49% !important; margin-bottom: 1.5em !important; } .positionleft.inlineimage { margin-right: 0.5% !important; } .positionright.inlineimage { margin-left: 0.5% !important; } @media(max-width:600px) { .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 100% !important; margin: 0 0 1em 0 !important; } #emergencybanner {margin-bottom: -1em !important;} }, .dateline {margin: 4px 0 -10px 0 !important;}. We have had positive discussions on this matter, but nothing is firm yet.'. UCU - HE negotiations 2022-23 - University and College Pay 2021-22: Final offer presented | For Staff | University of Leeds Also employers were reminded that staff had not had a pay rise since August 2019 and employers offered 'zero' uplift last year. University unions and employers meet on pay - UNISON A marking and assessment boycott commenced today at 145 UK universities after employers failed to produce an improved offer in the pay & conditions dispute. All bargaining unit members with current appointments for the 2021-22 academic year would receive a one-time lump sum ratification payment of $500 within 60 days of contract ratification. ', It was today confirmed that two further days of strike action at UK universities are going ahead on 9 and 10 February after staff rejected the employers' pay offer: University strikes escalate after staff reject 'low-ball' offer. The precise dates of the action will be confirmed next week. You can read the full claim here. Successful reballots will allow staff to continue taking action through this calendar year. Ballot papers will be sent via first class post. The HE trade unions are Unison, Unite, GMB, EIS and UCU. Members are asked to please keep engaged with branch meetings which will feed into the conference. The dean agreed to raise their salaries in that years merit cycle.. pay It's important to note that UCEA have not set out their position in a written offer at this time. About HE negotiating. All branches in the Four Fights and USS disputes will be balloted over taking industrial action that would impact both the induction weeks this autumn as well as spring 2023. Following a further round of talks at Acas, the joint unions today issued this statement: Talks between UCEA and the HE trades unions continue. We are awaiting clarification from the employers as to what their offer of 'joint work' might entail. University unions and employers meet on pay, Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2021. Give your manager plenty of time to discuss with you and then enter into the request process for you. Strike action at higher education institutions across the UK started today, with UCU's biggest ever picket lines, as members fight for improved pay & conditions. In 2022, women earned an average of 82% of what men earned, The outcome of last year's New JNCHES negotiations was an unprecedented 'zero' % pay offer by UCEA. Salary Negotiations: A Catch-22 For Women - Forbes We have also made progress on pay with the removal of the lowest point from the pay scale, and a review of the pay spine that will benefit everyone. On 14 April 2021 the second of this year's JNCHES higher education pay negotiations took place. 'In the spirit of attempting to reach agreement, the joint unions agreed to intensive negotiations between now and the end of January, with further negotiations continuing into February and beyond as required on the other heads of the 22-23 claim. HE unions' claim 2022-23 [399kb]. Most employees at the university pay a premium of 10% for these outstanding benefits. These groups have not delivered real change for members in the past and we have no reason to believe the situation will be any different this year. The faculty pay only 5%. Branches have been asked to look out for further communication on the joint trade union claim. Simply, silence is not a reason that you should be giving ground. UCEA spoke on behalf of sector employers in the joint statement, acknowledging that there needs to be a pay rise in these negotiations, which will continue at meetings on 14 April and 6 May. The boycott means university staff will stop marking work, returning marks and setting or sitting exams and coursework. No progress was made on other elements of the joint union claim including the 35 hour week, or Scottish JNCHES. The New JNCHES negotiating timetable for 2021/22: Branches will be updated with developments during the negotiations. The HE trade unions pressed UCEA to improve their opening offer of 1.1% on pay and in regards to the pay related and equality elements of the claim, for a meaningful offer that focuses on action and sector wide frameworks to address pay inequality, precarious employment and workloads. I cant stop students from cheating, they write, so is it even worth it to tryespecially when Im so overworked and, When you look back over your entire career and life, Victoria McGovern asks, who said or did something that helped gu. This was followed by GMB doing the same on 12 January 2021. According to UH Administration, all 11-month faculty are tentatively scheduled to receive their 3.72% salary increase on their July 20, 2022 pay date while all 9-month faculty are scheduled to receive their 3.72% increase on their August 20, 2022 pay date. UUP, state open talks for new contract: UUP web story, May 27, 2022. A third wave of strike action over the employers' failure to negotiate over deteriorating pay & conditions began today. Telephone: 020 7756 2500, Copyright UCU document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); However, the employers wasted the whole meeting discussing this statement, which related to the mechanism and process of the negotiations, insisting that we confirm that we would cease all industrial action during the negotiating process. The university has offered to increase the minimum hourly wage to $19, going up to $21 after three years. Read more here on the formal consultation results here. You can read a full summary of the meeting here and youcan read a response from our general secretary Jo Grady here. Following that meeting of HEC we will communicate further with members including details on a clear timetable for the ballots and any resulting industrial action, as well as how they can get involved in the campaign. 2021 Communication can always throw us curveballs, and many of us already feel off balance when money is involved. Caroline pointed me to a tweet from the journalist and author Stefanie OConnell Rodriguez, who wrote, Can we start saying ambition penalty instead of confidence gap when we talk about women and girls? The employers indicated that it could support either a percentage uplift or a flat rate increase on all pay points, or a combination of these approaches. Background 2020-21 round meetings UCU |University and College Union, Carlow Street, London NW1 7LH This offer fell well short of the joint pay claim. Annual Pay Review | Human Resources - University of Cambridge Even though one can feel the pressure to fill the air with talk, don't. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you're happy to receive all cookies on our website. UNISON senior national officer Ruth Levin said: The pay freeze in the current year which in reality means a cut to the value of wages has been rejected by all unions. Delegates also voted for the ballots to be conducted in an 'aggregated' format, meaning that the 50% turnout threshold, and consequently which branches would be called to take action, would encompass the entire voting membership. In a message to members, UCU general secretaryJo Grady revealed there was now a 'nationally orchestrated move by employers to bully and intimidate UCU members' with threats to deduct up to 100% of the pay of members taking legal ASOS action. The HE trade unions will continue to develop the claim with the aim of submitting it to UCEA, the employers' representatives, in advance of the first negotiating meeting on 31 March. Members are urged to check their membership information and postal address is up-to-date by logging in to A special higher education sector conference (HESC) held on 9 September 2021 has called for an industrial action ballot over the employers' 2021-22 pay offer, to run alongside a ballot over the changes imposed to USS pensions. Members of UCU have voted by 80.4% to reject the latest pay offer from employer body UCEA. The employers have refused to move from the final offer they made in May of 1.5% for 2021-22. For more information and for resources to help get the vote out, please go to our HE disputes. The NDC also stated their gratitude to 'students, our communities and members across our union and the trade union movement for their solidarity'. For staff at Levels 1-3, the University Executive Board has agreed to implement the current pay offer with effect from October salaries. We are also planning to produce a series of videos which capture the lives of members in higher education, and how they are affected by degraded pay, casualisation, equality failings and more. Information on the UK-wide higher education negotiations for 2021-22 which take place within the Joint National Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES). As well as a marking and assessment boycott, delegates also voted to hit 39 universities with a further ten days of strike action. Officewide projects provided opportunities to expand staff members roles and advocate for higher compensation for them. For the first time in the two disputes the ballot will be aggregated, meaning that if UCU achieves an overall turnout of 50% or above and a majority YES vote, all universities across the UK will be hit by strike action. Given the timetable HEC agreed to delegate the further development of the claim and its final sign off to the HEC officers and national negotiators. UCEA was left in no doubt about how strongly members feel and the need for real change to be made. There is no excuse not to restore pay to acceptable levels and provide secure pensions for university staff, UCU said today. UCU's higher education committee (HEC) will consider the conference resolutions on Friday 1 July, and this will be preceded by a branch delegate meeting where branches can feed in to the HEC's decisions. Acas-mediated talks are intended to address the issues in dispute, which include pay, equality, job insecurity and workloads. We also intend to pursue talks about the 22-23 pay round. Notice has been served on higher education employers where there is a live ASOS mandateand, with immediate effect, ASOS will consist of: TheHE disputes FAQhas been updated to include the union's latest advice on ASOS. So maybe this is more of a collective problem than an individual strategy question?, Caroline gave a specific example of how shes done this in her role as chair: Negotiating works differently on different campuses, she wrote, but in my college at Cornell, the chair can make a case to the dean that a particular faculty member is underpaid and deserves a special merit raise. Remember, she added, never to inflate or exaggerate other offers., A new faculty member provided a particularly vivid picture of how they leveraged multiple offers: One of the strategies I used in the second negotiation phone call was that at the beginning, I started by talking about how I really like my current institution and that I knew [the hiring manager] knew I was also interviewing there. Following progress on terms of reference for a review of the UK HE pay spine, the focus is now on terms of reference covering equality pay gaps, contract types, and workload. UCU's higher education committee (HEC), authorised sustained industrial action at a meeting on 19 January, which will include coordinated UK wide and regional rolling strikes. Vice-chancellors now need to urgently address the concerns of staff otherwise our 70,000 members will escalate this dispute into next year.'. The union wont say how much it has compromised on its demand for 13.5 per cent increase over three years for Treasury Board employees, and a 22.5 per cent raise over three years for CRA workers.
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