26-1921. 1-606. 4-1604. Withdrawal of Consent to Adopt 21-901. Title Destructive Substances Detention Authority Secretary 16-501.109 Materials Used by Floor Laying as Purchases for Resale Return of Custody 25-104. 19-506. Detention or Hospitalization - Emergency Procedure 16-606.8 Refiner, Supplier, Distributor, Importer, Exporter, Retailer and Terminal Operator Required to Secure License 9-1703. 26-1101. Summons in Lieu of Warrant Effective Date Regulations 26-1501. 26-710. Appeal Qualifications 16-606.24 Lien of TaxCollectionAction Authorized 17-602. from Sale of Motor Vehicles Exempt from Excise Taxes - Exception South Dakota Tax Commission Right To Obtain Counsel Policies of this Code 31-301. 16-606.28 Inventory GainsLosses Nature Of Offenses 9-1914. Chapter 9. This Page Was Not Helpful Because The Content: An official website of the Definition of Lack of Capacity Notification before Disposition of Collateral Disclosure of Sites on Allotted Land Prohibition on Improper Conduct 16-501.98 Deduction Allowed for Sales Refunds Definitions Primary Management Official Deadly Weapons And Explosives Prohibited Marriages Perfection without Filing or Transfer of Possession 4-604. 19-406. 2-303. Appearance Bonding Schedule Reasons for Revocation 4-1204. Chapter 1. Evidence And Limitations On Penalties Exemption of Gross Receipts 26-820. 16-502.12 Tax Imposed on Person Using Property Chapter 5. Management Of Special And Industrial Waste Arrest 7-311. Granting of Writ 34-502. Reckless Endangerment Establishment 19-405. 8-103. Garbage Pits and Incinerators 11-105. Remedy Selection Delinquent Children 16-505.21 Enforcement and Administration Hearing And Application For Tribal Liquor License Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia Animal Control Division 16-501.32. .4 Influence over Official Decisions Chief Prospector Examination - Report Construction And Demolition Waste 16-301.5. Consent to Custody School Boards and Governing Bodies of Pre-Schools and Sitting Bull College Rural Area Sanitary Facilities 9-1701. Recovery of Advances 5-619. 26-1710. 9-802. 302. 33-704. Notice Required Child Abuse 1 Standing Rock Ave, Fort Yates, ND 58538. 26-505 Periodic Review On Plan Storage and Transport of Pesticides and Containers 15-214. 36-301. 4-206. 26-809. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe P.O. 16-604.23 Peace Officers May be Called 6-502 Petition 27-102. 26-1416. 32-902. 26-1406. 34-401. 5-717. 38-904. 9-702. 19-402. The Nation covers approximately 1.6 million acres and is located in the states of North Dakota and South Dakota. 10-113. 4-1004. 16-503.8 License Required of Distributors and Wholesalers Exemption of Gross Receipts from Rental of Devices Used to Apply Agricultural Fertilizers and Pesticides Exterior Sewage Lines 16-502.80 Restoration of Revoked Sales Tax Permit 16-502.64 Surety Bond Filed by Retailer .1 Indian Preference Perfection of Security Interests in Property Subject to Certain Statutes, Regulations and Treaties 34-1405. 19-105. 19-109. Policy and Intent Subchapter G. School Zone Restrictions Governing Law 17-501. Perfection by Control Residency Requirement 26-1310. Standing Rock Sioux Tradition and Custom 16-501.54. Read the Document. Review of Petition for Involuntary Treatment - Probably Cause Established - Respondent Notified of Rights 410. Misleading Words Or Digital Images On The Internet Acceptable Uses Complaint Establishment Seasons and Limits Definitions 9-105. 17-1102. 22-108. Director of Game, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Department 4-605. 903. 6-802. 9-930. 4-205. Packaging and Container Materials Sold to Retailers Exempt Marking of Game 21-502. 26-807. 16-501.50. Miscellaneous Appeals Compliance with EPA Ordinance 31-201. 5-720. Resisting Arrest General Provisions Suture Solid Waste Facility Sites Chapter 16: Permit Compliance Monitoring, Recordkeeping And Inspection 207. Absentee Voting Nominating Petitions and Notice of Candidacy 16-503.5 Fractional Part of a Cent 16-604.32 Penalties for Violation of Section North Dakota and South Dakota Tribal Liaisons Administrative Procedures of Water Resources Control Board Other Than Applications for Water Use Permits Chapter 12. 4-501. Crimes Termination of Services Original COVID-19 Vaccination Record or an immunization record. Effects of Termination Order Tribal School Board Elections 26-1504. 5-408. Bench Warrants 16-606.20 Determination if No Report is Filed 16-502.78 Revocation of Retailers Sales Tax Permit on Failure to ComplyRevocation of Corporate Authority to do Business Subchapter A. Applicable Laws Court Administration Partner Links; 15-510. Public Comment Determinations by Director 38-907. 17-205. 18-302. Chapter 10. 351. Notice of Discovery 16-207. 9-929. 106. Lease Distinguished From Security lnterest 16-502.50 Exemption of Freeport Merchandise and Stocks of Merchandise Brought as Foreign or Domestic Merchandise into Foreign Trade ZoneStocks of Merchandise DefinedApplication 26-1805. 15-504. Who is Qualified to Vote 1-103. Alimony Determination of Eligibility The ICWA Agents ask that case workers do not contact the ND BIA/Tribal Enrollment offices directly. 6-507. 16-501.40. 314. 16-604.13 Records to be Kept by Distributors and Reports MadePenalty Subchapter D: Required Registration Information Adoption, Title XXXIX (39) - Tribal Council Code of Ethics Standards of Conduct Unauthorized Construction And Operations Of Solid Waste Site Or Facility 9-703. 4-903. Chapter 3. 1-702. Requirements of Consultation Security Interest Perfected Upon Attachment 9-911. Scope of Subchapter Reckless Or Careless Driving 5-710. [RESERVED] 5-617. Applicability 34-1005. Federal Habeas Corpus Chapter 14 - Inadvertent Discovery 513. Any field trips and sporting events that are planned for tomorrow will have to be rescheduled. 9-1004. 9-706. 11-104. 15-507. 9-304. Liability 36-405. Default and Enforcement of Security Interests Special Meetings Injury To Public Property Enforcement 4-506. Industrial Discovery Procedures for Enforcement Hearings The first was initiated on May 5, 2020. Exemption of Certain Parts, Repairs, or Maintenance on Agricultural or Irrigation Equipment 16-606.2 Tax Imposed Inter-Governmental Agreements 4-1507. Specific Safety Provisions Regarding Motor Vehicles Other Than Automobiles Duration of License and Renewal 15-209. Title VIII (8) - Liquor Government. 11-210. False Imprisonment Severability and Non-liability Contents Of Permit Applications: Solid Waste Disposal Facilities 6-1002. Chapter 7. Enforcement and Sanctions Child Custody Water Resources Control Board 9-1905. Policy Chapter 6. 619. Stalking 15-501. Exemption for Gross Receipts of Person Officiating Amateur Sporting Event - Exception Forms 7-411. 106. Classification of Pesticides 34-702. Commercial Fishing 26-1507. 10-108. .2 Complaints Regarding Applicants for Employment 26-1106. 2-207. 25-106. Hiring, Engaging, Or Use Of A Child To Participate In A Criminal Gang 26-1011. 9-1102. Exemption of Membership Organizations 9-402. 4-1624. 16-606.9 Bond or Letter of Credit Required 6-809. 36-404. 4-1630. 36-202. Chapter 2. Application of Water Code to Geothermal Wells and the Development of Geothermal Resources 9-1902. Posting Signs around Refuge Certification of Election Salary of Council Members 19-401. 38-501. Employment Information 27-203. 203. Corporate And Tribal Entity Civil Action: Tribal Restrictions on Gaming by Vendors 1-308. Severability 4-905. 21-404. 16-502.83 Exemption of Large Boats Subject to Excise Tax 16-403. Record 16-502.7 Certain Purchases Considered for Resale Purposes Chapter 3 - Laws 1-213. 32-1601. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court 205. Submission to the National Indian Gaming Commission 4-808. 2-601. Licenses, Tags and Permits - Expiration Dates Report to the Commission 9-602. 9-1805. 16-605.1 Definitions Appearance through Counsel 35-102. 33-108. 7-409. Penalties Legal Effect of Water Permit 16-504.13 Administration of Tax 16-507.6 Collection and Administration Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation 11-302. 5-716. Arraignment Publication of Confidential Information 6-410. 33-401. 9-933. Chapter 2. Petition Of Adoption Contents and Form of Notification Before Disposition of Collateral 38-901. Findings 26-1601. 16-604.14 WarehouseRecord of deliveries and shipments Criminal Offenses Based On Voluntary Conduct Service of Process 4-1605. Title I (1) - Courts 119. 3-201. Applicability General Permit Review Issuance of License 9-917. 34-901. Criminal Contempt An official website of the United States government U.S. Department of the Interior Indian Affairs Online Forms Indian Affairs (IA) and Paperwork Reduction Act Forms IA-specific forms as well as IA Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) forms can be found on this page (see tabs below) along with links to other government websites for specific forms. No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity 6-501. Roof Sheathing Specific Permit By Rule Requirements Relinquishment (Voluntary Withdrawal of Membership) Acceptable Uses Chapter 6. 4-104. 32-906. Tribal Immunity 16-214. Abandonment; Decommissioning of Well Continuance 16-501.87. Tribal Membership Roll Chapter 2. 9-303. 16-508.4 Farm Machinery Defined 1402. 15-205. Land Uses Coin Operated Washers and Dryers - License in Lieu of Tax - Failure to Pay Fee as Misdemeanor - Interest - Collection 38-603. Criminal Penalties Appeals 127. Existing Landfills 26-821. Title XIV (14) - Probate [Not Available Online] 17-105. Planning Commission 15-601. 33-201. Designation of Unfit Dwelling Units Notice Of Violation 16-206. Respondent's Attendance at Hearings Section 16-505 Motor Fuels Tax 10-106. Driving Without A License 625. Notice of Hearing .1 Private Gain Absentee Voters 36-304. 16-501.70. 16-601.38 Construction of the Section 34-106. 34-503. 22-117. 32-507. 1415. The application is an online Google form, all required fields must be submitted. Solid Waste Account 4-803. Chapter 2 Standards of Conduct 16-501.7. 26-1917. Exemption of Freeport Merchandise and Stocks of Merchandise Brought as Foreign or Domestic Merchandise into Foreign Trade Zone - Stocks of Merchandise Defined - Application Criminal History 4-804. 39-030. Title XXIII (23) - Licensing and Regulation of Bingo and other Games of Chance 16-501.102 Accrual Basis Reporting and Payment 31-204. 16-503.12 Penalties and Interest 904. 9-2203. Immunity [Withheld] Effective Date Summit Lake Paiute Tribe of Nevada. 4-1206. Terms Informal Hearing 4-102. Voluntary Termination of Parental Rights Delivery of Absentee Ballots Please research BIA's webpages for information regarding these and other issues. Exclusions from Definition of Gross Receipts License Required 32-1102. Refuges 9-701. Requirements Chapter 7. 34-1510. 11-229. Miscellaneous 1-307-1. 16-601.28 Tax, Penalties, and Other Charges Paid to Tax DirectorDisposition Permit Fees Insurance 38-203. Applicants MUST have one or both parents ENROLLED with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. 9-601. 38-704. Admin. 6-901. Forfeiture of Property Exemption of Payments Between Members of Controlled Group - Exemption 26-815. Fort Yates, North Dakota 58538, Telephone: (701) 854-8500Telefax: (701) 854-8595, Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 16,102 members. Rule 13. 19-602. Seizure of Contraband Game - Search Warrant 6-609. Review for Children Removed from Parent, Guardian or Custodian Irreparable Harm 9-108. 9-301. Trial Procedure 16-606.18 Commissioner to Audit Report and Assess Tax 9-103. 7-217. Chapter 6 - Tribal Historic Preservation Office 16-501.25. 16-501.34. 16-504.11 Improvement Without Contract 35-103. 16-509.6 Hearing Available on Denial of Permit 401. Hearing: Determination by the Court Chapter 1: Family Code Yard Maintenance 312. Interim Authorization to Use Water 5-603. Section 16-508 Excise Tax on Farm Machinery, Farm Attachment Units, and Irrigation Equipment 16-501.10. Right to Counsel Notice of Election 16-605.5 Form of Claim for Refund 26-902. Detention for Detoxification 17-202. 16-601.7 Exemptions (Effective After June 30, 2002) Conduct of Hearings 514. Free Transcript On Appeal 215. 26-1907. 7-203. 16-605.30 Tax Collection Allowance 16-604.12 PackagingPresumption from Possession 113. 7-105. Consultation and Reports 15-306. 16-203. 1-704. 26-204. 16-502.4 Tax Imposed on Use of ServicesExemptionsRelated Corporation Defined Transfer Station Closure Records Enforcement 6-508. 2-107. 31-304. Child in Need of Supervision Design Approval The cover sheet states what is needed. Fire Prevention Child Support Agreements Chapter 8 - Survey Requirements 16-418. Obstruction To Drivers View Or Driving Mechanism Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Order for Termination of Parental Rights 11-802. 16-502.72 Direct Payment of Tax by User Chapter 12. Blood Test 9-921. Disposal Area Power Charges for Irrigation Pumps Exempt Elected Candidates Sworn into Office 704. Supreme Court of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe 11-216. Definitions 32-601. 35-501. 36-401. Certification Procedures 5-503. Construction Administrative Review Committee Hearings TERO Wage Rates Establishment Of Payment Of Fees Presence of Vertebrate Fossils Rules of Evidence 1-101. 7-403. Required Consent 401. 9-507. 16-501.56. Chapter 8. 26-1302. 11-220. Request for THPO Archeological Survey Work to be Completed by SRST THPO Rules and Regulation - Preparation of Forms 16-415. Standing Rock Agency Administrative offices are located two blocks south of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Administrative Center, tribal headquarters. 6-608. Enforcement and Remedies 11-406. 1-707. 111. 16-422. 38-1301. 21-702. 1 Standing Rock Ave, Fort Yates, ND 58538. 16-501.120 Fee or Commission not Subject to Tax Petition for Reconsideration 16-606.15 Report by Refiner, Supplier, Distributor, Importer, Exporter, or Retailer Required Authority 32-1301. Election Officials 1101. Criminal Trespass 7-310. Rule 3. 9-201. Ethical Standards and Violations 16-501.96. 32-1801. Presentation of Alleged Charges 16-507.8 Device Without Registration Displayed as Contraband Driving In Left Lane: Overtaking Vehicle Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. 11-603. Alternate Sentencing Authority Savings Clause 819. 9-803. 38-101. 16-501.20. Chapter 10. Criminal Enforcement Actions Voluntary Remediation Eligibility Chapter 2. 9-102. 21-601. Certain Services Provided to Rural Water System by Wholly Owned Cooperative or Nonprofit Corporation Exempt from Tax Regular Meetings Survey Requirements Notice Requirements Penalties and Sanctions 17-415. . 20-202. Liability 17-114. Chapter 4: Department Of Environmental Regulations Filing of Papers 26-1307. 34-403. Tribal Lands Water Well Maintenance; Prevention of Ground Water Contamination Acceptable Uses Obligation To Raise Issues And Provide Information [RESERVED] Criminal Jurisdiction in South Dakota 9-508. Severability 10-110. Annulment 123. 18-202. Special Election Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. 1502. 509. Determination Of Father And Child Relationship 16-507.1 Imposition of TaxRate Intent, Purpose and Construction of this Title
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