So far as most of the world is concerned,include the following. If so, award the players a hero point when they learn the truth.In general, if the villain genuinely wouldnt know abouta heros particular sensory advantage, its best to let the Try not to overuse this trick, as it is likely to make the play-good guy learn the truth and act on it. bition to conquer the world. So characters might run into things like exploding Easter eggs or hallucination-inducing fear toxins as they try to protect people from a rampaging Psycho. For or possess oddly specific scientific expertise relevant to amany, villainy is a strict 9-to-5 day job. wide breadth of knowledge, as well as formidable combat skills.The Alien Overlords powers may be innate, part of a non-human physiology or the result of an accident or genetic Immortal Overlords predictably take the long view ofexperimentation (perhaps to create some type of super- things; their schemes can take considerable time to comesoldier). The ba-accident, literally in the mud at the characters feet (or in sic principles of the archetype still apply, but coming upthe trash, washed up on the beach, etc.). For a deeper mys- only expanding as the number of victims under his swaytery, the villain could control the characters without their increases. 19 Time (and timepieces): Brilliant split-second timing, devices based on clock-faces, hands (making pointed weapons), springs, clockworks, ticking bombs, etc. Gargoyles that are true unliving con-Wings), Growth 12 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 3 (Scales). can give the student untold powers: invisibility, immor- tality, the ability to kill with a mere touch, and more. CULT MASTER PL4 MR4 STR 2 STA 2 AGL 1 DEX 1 FGT 1 INT 2 AWE 0 PRE 2 Equipment: Dagger (Damage 1), Pistol (Damage 3). An alchemist villain typically way, she can be as ruthless and powerful as any Sorcerer,relies on various potions, powders, and other magical for- perhaps even more so. This arche-larger whales such as the blue whale, or smaller whales, type can be used as anything from an archaeologist toadjust the ranks of Growth. ), the Psy-cho will almost inevitably appear to die (lost in a fall or Ideally, the heroes can piece together clues from theexplosion, for example), only to manage to return in the crime scenes and early encounters with the Psychosfuture. tion or more light-sensitive eyes).THEMES Living Vampires may revel in their new condition or, more commonly, seek a cure for it. ness the same).EVIL NINJA ULTIMATE FIGHTERBlack-clad ninja have been staples of the comic books for The Ultimate Fighter is all about the art in martial art-decades. (Close, Damage 4). By the time the just as much of a threat as the Robot, giving the heroesheroes realize their danger, it is usually too late to stop the twice the trouble!Robot from overwhelming and defeating them. Click to view in fullscreen Zoom In. Alternately, the villain may wear a high-tech to fruition and they are often patient enough to even waitbattlesuit of some type, like the Armored Overlord (fol- out years in prison. To and then into a coma from which they cannot be awak-build the full-size device, however, the villain needs cer- ened. Aas slightly glowing eyes, a plastic sheen, or a completely small giant robot (no more than Growth 6-7) may be aexpressionless facebut under most circumstances, the master villain or lieutenant. they can read opponentsminds to learn their deepest fearsThe Brain may exult in its and desires. The Evolved Mastermind is an example of such a char-acter, either a future being from a potential future time,or a present day human, hyper-evolved to this state byscientific means, accidentally or by deliberate experiment.For Silver Age villains, exposure to exotic radiation is oftenthe source of the hyper-evolutionary effect.Evolved Masterminds have a major superiority complexaround their exalted state. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. With somebrilliant as their ex-boss, the Jobber offers unique outside help, they have upgraded their power significantly,firepower by creating replicas of their own power suite increasing their PL to 12 or higher (or consider using theat an appropriate rank for their minions. need of inspiration for a Psycho obsession, take a look atThe background of the Psycho is typically tragichorri- the Psycho Obsessions table.bly scarred physically, psychologically, emotionally, or allthree. Add In a superhero setting, a robot may actually be an ar-the Morph effect to the archetypes powers, and any skills tificial construct given animation and intelligence byDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 133MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS means other than technology. This Super-Powered by M&M RPG release brings you The Adventurer Enhanced Archetype.This ready-to-go character build provides a foundation for you to develop a hero of your own that may lack metahuman super powers, but make up for it in experience, know-how, grit, gumption, and reckless bravery. This might besance or a bothera foe intended more to make heroes scientific curiosity or some need to put heroes throughwant to bang their heads against walls than anything a crucible to refine their power and determination inelse. Marvel Comics Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Ed Conversion The good news is the Robot engineeredby a desire to have a normal life, the new robot may be- the theft, and the villain (or its mechanical minion) is im-come unstable and dangerous, forcing the heroes to take mune and therefore not a carrier. Now the heroes are left in the clutchescases, he has a clear-cut alibi, being away on a mission or of the villains deathtrap while their foes go on an unre-the like. MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS IMP The Imp is less of a "villain" and more a high-level nui- of . Their foe is either a relative innocent, unaware that it accidentally trapped in the heros form, suffering memoryis endangering people or causing harm, or else is deliber- loss from an accident or some overload of its powers. The fights could offer valuable information to certain School of Shadows how to fight, how to obey ordersparties, perhaps even allow a mimicking villain to copy the and, worst of all, how to work as an actual team. Name Ideas: Bullwhip, Cat-O-Nine, Chainbringer, Creeping Ivy, Filament, Lash Master, Man-O-War, Ribbondanc- er, Rocktopus, Urumi 19 pointsTHE NEW ORDER YOURE NOT LAUGHING NOWAfter the heroes take down a local crime lord, one or more A common element of the Jobber life is humiliatingof the Jobbers in their employ decides to pick up the reins defeat, and the Jobber has taken one too many quips orand take over the organization. Search. Advantages: Improved +2, Attack +1 (Close, Damage 4). These same traits make horses have +1 Str. Defenses: Dodge 0, Parry 2, Fortitude 23 + Advantages 1 + Skills 2 + Defenses 4 = Total 12 points. For a giant shark, add Growth to the desired level and alter the sharks abilities appropriately. THEMESPhysically, Puppeteers are little threat, but heroes rarelyconfront them directly, dealing instead with their various Puppeteer themes revolve around how the villain controlspawns and schemes. This often leaves only a thin line revenge for whatever happened to leave the Psycho wan-between them and obsessed vigilante heroes. While thisDOUBLE TROUBLE doesnt necessarily make a Jobber more powerful, it grants them access to better vehicles and equipment, andJobber powers sometimes straddle multiple themes, and may mean they can readily escape custody to rejoin theirbecause the effects listed generally dont stack you can criminal master. PDF Mutants and masterminds 3rd edition trove - Weebly As the first stage of an ambitious scheme, the OverlordTACTICS seeks to eliminate opposition by removing the heroes from the board, sending various minions to capture or even killIn spite of their considerable personal power, Overlords tend them outright. Im looking for mutants and masterminds 3e books. Any security helpless against the world-famous heroes, so the charac-clearance or other privileges they have are revoked, their ters are the only ones who can stop them. Exotic winged horses (like the mythicalcurity forces employ them as guardians. Hav- ing decided to enlighten the whole city, the villain plansWhen finally cornered, most Psychos are fierce fighters, to release the compound into the water supply (perhapseven if they lack superhuman strength and resilience. They Called Me Mad! Offense:Stealth 2 (+13). Mind Control INITIATIVE +0 thing they control in the game (their character). Maybe the Imp transforms intoJUST LIKE MAGIC something the heroes can fight, such as a creature, giant robot, or fighter plane, and gives them a fair shot. Editable Character Sheet PDF : r/mutantsandmasterminds - Reddit Totals: Abilities 12 + Powers 5 + Advantages 0 + Skills 2 (4 ranks) + Defenses 6ELEPHANT PL8 MR2 = 25 points. Of course, manyinteraction. Vigilance Press Charactersare better represented with the cat, above. SECRETS OF THE MASTERSNote that the archetype as written can have up to an The already formidable Martial Artist begins searchingadditional +2 Damage bonus (from weapons or other for a legendary scroll from a lost temple. They also delight in using illusions villains trick their foes into attacking each other, or that somecrisis is occurring when actually nothing is happening (or TACTICSsomething else entirely is going on). The villain is a warlord or military leader of an alien the villain may have lived for centuries or even millennia.empire or invasion force, seeking to crush whole worlds This may explain the Overlords considerable intellect andbeneath his heel. Still, that does not even worse when the Nobody wants to help out bynecessarily have to mean the end of the villain, since the joining the team before he or she is ready, and it appearsNobody may be looking for a way to regain the lost power; the influence of the Item of Power is starting to corrupthe might even succeed, if a return appearance is desired. The Undead Sorcerer exists in a kind of half-life, eitherDEMON SORCERER trapped there by the decree of foes who bound and entombed him, or through his own machinations, tran-The Sorcerer is not human at all, but an infernal creature: a scending the limits of mortality at the price of the plea-demon, devil, or some similar being from a hellish dimen- sures and aesthetics of the flesh. Unfortunately, theres always another for- trapping foes in webs of arcane force, hands of earth andbidden ritual hidden in an arcane book or ancient scroll stone, or the cold grip of undead shades, allowing the vil-somewhere. Whether or not it can actu-cerebral villain: a dis- ally work is up to the GM, but generally superheroes arentembodied brain kept in a inclined to let villains improve the human race withoutcontainer and sustained by its equipment. lain time to gloat and arrange a proper demise for the in- terfering heroes.Exactly what the ritual is intended to do is up to the GMand depends on the Sorcerers ultimate goals. Copyright 20002023 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. side the law. Skills: Perception 4 (+6), Stealth ics, often in service to a powerful master villain or an even 4 (+6). Skills: Athletics 2 (+14), Close Combat: Unarmed the Expertise specialties for others. Do the heroes get involvedand help their old foe reform, or do they watchand wait for him to relapse into his formerlyfelonious ways?DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 105MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS JOBBER THEMES D20 ELEMENT Aerialist with wings (Winged Flight 8), wing slash (Strength-Based Damage 4; Accurate 2), and avian senses (Sens- 1 es 6 [darkvision, extended vision, infravision, tracking 2]). Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 13 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 +Vision and Acute Smell, are common for many animals. Oftentimes, an Overlord seeks a suitable partner, and may choose a hero or supporting character in the series to fill that role, whether the pro- spective consort wants to or not! Brain scans show considerable activity and rapidtain components, perhaps a power source, and so exerts eye movement indicates a dreaming state. If the villain provides their own technol-earn a measure of respect working as the strong arms for ogy, can they provide a similar (less powerful) version ofa criminal syndicate under a Crime Lord or Mad Scientist, that same technology to their minions, or even sell it toand just as many still trash talk and posture no matter how other criminals? If you feel this sudden power develop- concerns like having to breathe.ment constitutes a complication for the heroes, the equiv-alent of a villain power stunt, then award the players a Still, hes far from invulnerable. Formed from psychic energy, tulpas are servants createdGARGOYLE PL5 MR3 by psychics, or rogue thoughts that wander the astral plane or mystic dimensions. or undead dinosaurs as well.Imps are small demonic creatures, usually with bat- BRACHIOSAURUS PL9 MR3like wings, forked tails, and horns. If you do use a player character as the Puppeteers pawn against theSPAWN PUPPETEER other heroes, be sure to at least award the player a hero point for being a good sport and going along with theA Spawn Puppeteer does not control thralls directly, but complication. Advantages: Connected, Equipment 2. Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 0 + Advantages 3 + Skills 9 + Defenses 7 = Total 25 points.146 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESDEMONS DEMON, TEMPTER PL8 MR9A demon is generally an evil creature from a hellish realm, STR 0 STA 4 AGL 2 DEX 2 FGT 3 INT 1 AWE 2 PRE 5which resembles various places from human myth and Powers: Affliction 8 (Resisted by Will; Dazed, Stunned,legend. Some common Mad Scientist themes in the comics corporations. Totals:OWL PL2 MR2 Abilities 10 + Powers 33 + Advantages 1 + Skills 7 + Defenses STR 2 STA 2 AGL 2 DEX 2 FGT 1 INT 4 AWE 2 PRE 3 6 = Total 37 points. The (nowthwart the kidnappings or track the miss- mad) scientist intends to provideing scientists to the villains lair. Specifically rouges gallery and emerald city books, Im looking for mutants and masterminds 3e books. possible. Totals: Abilities 22 + Powers 12 + Advantages 0 +The crocodile described here is up to 20 feet long, with Skills 2 + Defenses 8 = Total 0 points.powerful, toothed jaws. Cir-cumstances often mean the Sorcerer has only one shot at Sorcerers almost universally prefer to fight at a distance,performing the ritual: the necessary astrological or cosmic overseeing a battle and using their spells to hinder or dis-conjunction might occur only once every 3,000 years, for able foes. A few manage to fit into the business worlda geneticist obsessed with the creation of new life versus and climb the corporate ladder, perhaps even to the verya chemist looking to perfect a wonder drug to grant top. lie in human frailties: a fairly low Fortitude defense and a mediocre Insight modifier. Name Ideas: Boomerage, Captain Javelin, Deadeye, Throwing Star, Zuboshi 20 points Whips/Tentacles with lash line (Strength-Based Damage 6; Accurate 2; Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold), power pull (Enhanced Strength 6; Limited to Grappling and Pulling), and swingline (Movement 2 [safe fall, swing- 20 ing). Skills: Fortitude 5, Toughness 1, Will 3. Heroes cho gets to meet and spend time with such a wonderfulhear about their latest crime-spree and receive some group of interesting people! Like this book? Of course, you can choose to treat Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 2, Sensesa particularly exceptional minion or lieutenant as a full- 1 (Accute Smell). Skills: Perception 6 (+9), Stealth 4Unarmed +6 (Close, Damage 10). 10 Games: Complex games (puzzles, board games, even RPGs) as crimes, use of game tokens as props and weapons. Advances in genetic engineering, biotechnology, ANY SCIENCE CAN BE MAD, IF YOURE DOING IT RIGHT! You can use them as given in have already been taken into account in the creaturesyour own M&M games, or as examples for creating presented here.or customizing suitable minions for your villains andevil organizations. sense of boredom or to lighten up the otherwise overly serious good guys. WaffleMoorer. necessary, awarding the players one or more hero points.TACTICS By the time the heroes manage to track the Robot to its hidden lair, it has already completed the construction ofAlthough intellectually brilliant, the Robot tends to be a mechanical bride and hooked its kidnapped victim tosomething of a brute in combat, relying on inhuman a device intended to transfer her brain patternsperhapsstrength and durability, blasting away at foes it cannot even her memories and life forceinto the new automa-reach with its crushing grip.
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