You must also determine how much commission you want to charge and what quantity you want to charge, as well as the trigger price. The close price shall be greater than the bankruptcy price. With the Infinity Trailing bot, you can spend the majority of your time trading. If the returned HTTP status code is not 200, the error code will be included in the returned results. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Price and size are required to be specified for a limit order. 565), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. Binance, for example, charges 0.10% to 0.125 per trade, whereas Bitfinex charges 0.10% to 0.12%. GET /api/v1/contracts/active Based on Trailing Distance set by the order, the order follows the price at the lowest point and purchases at the reversal point. Update the default value of parameter chain from OMNI to ERC20, for the following interfaces: Add support for query order by client order id, for the following interfaces: Website:, Huge rewards for top 1 market maker and extra bonuses for top 10 market makers every month, Direct access to the market (via private link provided by KuCoin Futures). Operation steps: Select "Stop Limit" Order, enter 1.0666 USDT in the stop price edit box, 1.065 USDT in the price edit box, and 100 KCS in the amount edit box. Operation steps: Select Stop Limit" Order, enter 1.0666 USDT in the stop price edit box, 1.065 USDT in the price edit box, and 100 KCS in the amount edit box. XBTUSDM. A successful order is defined as one that has been accepted by the matching engine. GET /api/v1/contracts/{symbol}. For this type, the commission price is not set, only the trigger price and the order quantity or amount are set. A Stop-Limit Order is a specific type of order that is made when the current price reaches a predetermined preset trigger price and purchases or sells a set amount of assets at a predetermined limit price. For other cases, please update the price and size. The reason I want this is I have placed many limit orders. Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? The KuCoin Bonus Program offers bonus rewards in KuCoin Shares (KCS) to users who hold KuCoin Shares (KCS) at the time of the bonus distribution. I just placed a stop limit order on CHSB/BTC pair and my order was executed before reaching the limit price. Now accountEquity= unrealisedPNL + marginBalance; Client libraries can help you integrate with our API quickly. e.g. OCO order types (One Cancels the Other) are now available in KuCoins Web trading interface. In Particular in the code below, it works with the commented 'working code' for token XCN. To accomplish this, a commission price, quantity, and leverage must be set. Before placing orders or adjusting for price changes, traders can determine the take profit and stop loss levels for the security. For example, if a certain endpoint is called too frequently, you may encounter this problem. Finally, your stop limit might not be working because of a technical issue on Kucoin's end. Your personal information will be kept confidential. rev2023.5.1.43405. Subscribe this topic to get the realtime push of BBO changes. Join the plan and you can get the following bonus: Users with great market making strategies and large trading volume are welcome to join the incentive plan for the long term. GET /api/v1/interest/query?symbol=.XBTINT. A taker order is the order that was matched with orders opened on the order book. You may select Hidden or Iceberg when placing a limit or stop limit order. Order placement/cancellation suspended, please try again later. stopPriceType: There are three types of stop prices for contract, including: TP for trade price, MP for mark price, and IP for index price. Incredibly frustrating. 2 Less than a minute. This is the Unix timestamp. Investing in KuCoin futures trading allows you to gain exposure to underlying assets without having to worry about margin trading. When the latest price reaches the preset trigger price for a Stop-Limit Order, an order is placed to buy or sell a preset amount of assets at a predetermined price. You can place two types of orders: limit and market. What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? If you want to set a stop loss at any time in the future, you can also click the Stop Loss button right after you open a new position. KuCoin is a global cryptocurrency exchange that focuses on digital assets and blockchain technology. The body to be encrypted shall be consistent with the content of the Request Body. Please note that market orders, iceberg orders and hidden orders are always charged taker fees. GET /api/v1/level2/snapshot?symbol=XBTUSDM. In this video I'll show you how to set a limit order in KuCoin. After the ping message is sent to the server, the system would return a pong message to the client side. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. A positive number means that the user received the funding fee, and vice versa. Called the "Limit, Save, Grow Act," the 320-page proposal would lift the debt limit by $1.5 trillion or until the end of March 2024. In order to set a stop limit on KuCoin, you must first go to markets and trade the pairs you want to use. Current bankruptcy price: xxx. Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access the resource with an invalid method. Get a snapshot of aggregated open orders for a symbol. Can you still use Commanders Strike if the only attack available to forego is an attack against an ally? According to our prediction model, KuCoin Token will not reach $1000 in the short or mid-term, but the platform is still a fantastic place to invest in cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Actual fees are determined when the order is executed. Topic:/contractMarket/tradeOrders:{symbol}, "error.createOrder.accountBalanceInsufficient", '', #Example for create deposit addresses in python, '', # specifying content type or using json=data in request, "KC-API-PASSPHRASE:QWIxMjM0NTY3OCkoKiZeJSQjQA", "KC-API-SIGN:7QP/oM0ykidMdrfNEUmng8eZjg/ZvPafjIqmxiVfYu4=", "vYNlCtbz4XNJ1QncwWilJnBtmmfe4geLQDUA62kKJsDChc6I4bRDQc73JfIrlFaVYIAE0Gv2--MROnLAgjVsWkcDq_MuG7qV7EktfCEIphiqnlfpQn4Ybg==.IoORVxR2LmKV7_maOR9xOg==", "wss://[connectId=xxxxx]", marginChangepositionChangeliquidationautoAppendMarginStatusChangeadl, General Logic for Message Judgement in Client Side, Message channel for the 5 best ask/bid full data of Level 2, Message channel for the 50 best ask/bid full data of Level 2, POST /v1/position/risk-limit-level/change, Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found. A valid price shall not be higher than the maxPrice in the contract specification. If the size equals to 0, you can update the sequence and remove the price of which the size is 0 out of Level 2. Requests beyond the above range will be rejected. GTC Good Till Canceled: order remains open on the order book until canceled. The symbol must match a contract symbol, e.g. A taker order matches other resting orders on the exchange order book, and gets executed immediately after order entry. New field currency (currency) will be added to the query parameters to filter the profit and loss records; New field currency (currency) will be added to the response from the: {"id": "1JpoPamgFM", "type": "message", "topic": "/market/ticker:KCS-BTC", "subject": "trade.ticker", "tunnelId": "bt1", "data": {}}, To close the tunnel, you could enter command below: The trade amount indicates the amount of contract to buy or sell, and contract uses the base currency or lot as the trading unit. I was working on the sale of BTC for USDT. Submit a Request Beginner's Guide Deposit & Withdrawal Spot Trading #### May 13, 2020, Added an interface to get K line data: In a matching event, the visible portion of an iceberg order will be executed first, and another visible portion will pop up until the order is fully filled. The price specified must be a multiple number of the contract tickSize, otherwise the system will report an error when you place the order. The amount to be transferred will be deducted from the payAccount. Get a single order by order id (including a stop order). You should record the server-assigned order_id as it will be used for future query order status. What is KuCoin Staking Program? match: when taker order executes with orders in the order book, the taker order status is match; done: the order is fully executed successfully; open: when the order enters into the order book; match: when the order has been executed; filled: when the order has been executed and its status was changed into DONE; canceled: when the order has been cancelled and its status was changed into DONE; update: when the order has been updated; autoAppendMarginStatusChange: auto-deposit-status change; 1. the value of the holding position exceeds the limit amount of the risk limit level; 2. insufficient balance to increase the margin. User without create permission can create a custom object from Managed package using Custom Rest API. There are a few reasons why your Kucoin stop limit might not be working. This API is restricted for each account, the request rate limit is 30 times/3s. We recommend using the time endpoint to query for the API server time if you believe there may be time skew between your server and the API server. The login session and the API key in the sandbox environment are completely separated from the production environment. The primary purpose of trading is to avoid losses if the market is in a downward trend. The amount to be transferred will be deducted from the KuCoin Futures Account. On the contrary, if you only specified the end time, the system will calculate the start time (start time= end time - 24 hours) the same way. Submit request to get the info of all open contracts. Submit request to get info of the specified contract. All requests and responses are application/json content type. For example, if the current price per Bitcoin is $45,000, the trader can set a stop price at $42,000 and a limit order at $40,000. Now the sequence of your order book is 18 and your local order book is up-to-date. Other contracts will continue to be placed on hold. Read Get Fills to learn more. You can place a Limit Order for 100 KCS if the current market price of KCS is 0.96289 USDT and you intend to buy 100 KCS when the price drops to 0.95 USDT. Modified API permission. Update size of 3988.50 to 44 (Sequence 17) You may check the trading details in Order History and Trade History. This endpoint requires the General permission. So if you're not very sensitive with the filled price and want to trade quickly, choose this type! I want to collect the orderid's of all stop limit orders so I can clean out just the ones not associated to an active trade. New field currency (currency) will be added to the subject of topic /contractAccount/wallet" : GET /api/v1/orders/byClientOid?clientOid=eresc138b21023a909e5ad59 (get order by clientOid). GET /api/v1/funding-history?symbol=XBTUSDM, Note:Because the data changes quickly, if only select offset instead of startAt and endAt, it may cause data inaccuracy or data duplication. "hidden" : False, # A hidden order will enter but not display on the orderbook. Brief introduction of your market making strategies and an estimation of the order ratio to the total. If you only specified the start time, the system will automatically calculate the end time (end time = start time + 24 hours). Through testing I discovered that the 'size' value provided to the API, must be multiplied by the contract multiplier first. To know if the request has been processed, you may check the order status or update message from the pushes. The success response is as follows: KuCoin Futures uses Pagination or HasMore for all REST requests which return arrays. So, does Kucoin have stop-loss orders? The order type you specify may decide whether other optional parameters are required, as well as how your order will be executed by the matching engine. GET /api/v1/withdrawal-list 2. Liquidating an accounts assets is possible once the liquidation period expires. The KuCoin platform is well-known for its cryptocurrency and digital asset trading and investment. The REST API part contains three sections: The Websocket Feed part contains two sections: AddAdd the following interfaces related to sub-account: AddAdded endpoint return value description. As a result of recent changes, the company now provides traders and investors with more opportunities to generate passive income. Decred - DCR 113. GET /api/v1/orders/{order-id} GET /api/v1/transfer-list, New field currency (currency) will be added to GET /api/v1/account-overview. Price field is not required for market orders. The minimum deposit required to lend digital assets on KuCoin is only 0.1 ETH, resulting in a high rate of return. The requested data is not real-time. If the response is set as ture, the system will return the ack messages after the subscription succeed. GET /api/v1/orders?currentPage=1&pageSize=50. for instance, the multiplier for REEF is 100, so the 'size' value sent to the API should be '1' to purchase 100 REEF: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! In total, you have three USDT of trial funds. Read only would be fine for me because I only want to get the list of all 'Advanced orders' Fills are returned sorted by descending fill time. I've been working on a python solution to create limit orders on with requests on KuCoin futures API. Subscribe to private channels require privateChannel=true. The underlying reference Spot Index Price is a standard point for spot market instruments such as perpetual contracts, and they tend to trade close to it. . The platform charges both market makers and market takers 0.1%, which makes it one of the cheapest cryptocurrency exchanges in the online space. The order is triggered when the price drops . KuCoins handling fee exceeds 100,000 times what it claims to be. The user must log in to their account, click on the Orders tab, and then select the Stop-Limit order they wish to cancel. You can check the error code for details. Furthermore, KuCoin supports futures trading, allowing traders to anticipate future price movements. If the sequence is non-sequential, please enable the calibration logic. Because each isolated margin account has its own risk factor, the risk of each is independent of the risk of another. Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Market Order: A Market Order is an order placed to buy or sell a specified quantity/amount of assets at the best available price in the current market. For "Position", the default endpoint of this API is /api/v1/position. The new interface is added a currency (currency) parameter to specify the transfer-out currency (XBT/USDT). 1544657947759, For GET and DELETE requests, all queried parameters need to be included in the request URL. You can request for specific orders using query parameters. To reinforce the security of the API, KuCoin upgraded the API key to version 2.0, the validation logic has also been changed. Cancel all open orders (excluding stop orders). You must also set the perfect commission price and quantity, as well as the triggers for each. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your payAccount Account, or the transfer will fail. As mentioned, KuCoin has a 1-12 leveling system. The real-time ticker includes the last traded price, the last traded size, transaction ID, the side of liquidity taker, the best bid price and size, the best ask price and size as well as the transaction time of the orders. It should be a multiple number of the lot, or the system will report an error when you place the order. Do NOT include extra spaces in JSON strings. If the sequence of the newly pushed message does not line up to the sequence of the last message, you could pull through REST. There's more than enough volume at the prices I'm putting in to get filled but no matter what price I try, no luck. However, recent events have cast a shadow over the exchange. A stop-limit sell is an order to sell a security at a specified price, or better, after a given stop price has been reached. Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Data Time Range There are three triggers for KuCoin futures stop orders: 1) last price, 2) mark price, and 3) index price. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. orderMargin.change. For GET requests, please append the queried parameters to the endpoint. Trailing stop-order strategies allow users to profit from the most significant market movements while entering and exiting the trade at the best price level during any trend. The HTTP Request will respond when an order is either rejected (insufficient funds, invalid parameters, etc) or received (accepted by the matching engine). The original level-3 interface /contractMarket/level3:{symbol} is abandoned, please shift to /contractMarket/level3V2:{symbol}. You will be charged a maker/taker fee, with trading fees ranging from 0.0125 to 0.0300 per share depending on your tier level. Market orders are always considered takers and incur taker fees. This feature is to ensure that the order wont be canceled by the matching engine in such a circumstance that not enough funds are frozen for the order. After receiving the websocket Level 2 data flow, cache the data. There is a reasonable fee structure and a high level of user experience. For POST and PUT requests, all queried parameters need to be included in the request body in JSON format. Different from when an order reduces the position size, certain amount of funds need to be frozen when an order increases the position size. Add channelType field: public(public channel, default), private(private channel), session(session channel) for Websocket. Stop Market Order: A Market Stop-Loss Order" is an order placed to buy a preset quantity/amount of assets at the current market price when the latest price reaches the preset trigger price. The order placing/cancellation is currently not available. KuCoin futures was created as a derivatives product in May 2018. When placing an order, the system will freeze certain amount of funds in your account for position margin and transaction fees based on the order price and quantity. See Advanced Description for more details. Having trouble getting a limit sell order filled on Kucoin. The TP/SL option box appears under leverage when you are using futures. This API is restricted for each account, the request rate limit is 40 times/3s. This is the default type if the field is left empty. For reference, 'advanced orders' are what stop limit orders are called within KuCoin dash. {"id": "1Jpg30DEdU", "type": "openTunnel", "newTunnelId": "bt1", "response": true}, Add tunnelId in the command: Added following properties in contract info: "volume of 24 hours", "turnover of 24 hours" and "open interest" When errors occur, the HTTP error code or system error code will be returned. Thank you for using KuCoin Futures API documentation. Creating a stop-limit order on Kucoin is simple. According to several negative reviews, customer service is poor, the withdrawal process is inefficient, and deposits are late. You may use the web interface in the sandbox environment to create an API key. Cancelling a stop-limit order on Kucoin is just as easy. For example, if the current market price of KCS is 0.96285 USDT,you assume the support price is 1.0666 USDT would not continue to increase when it breaks through the support price, then you could sell it when the price reaches to support price. Finding the best crypto exchange with a good trailing stop loss can be difficult, but there are numerous options available. Generated by yourself, the optional clientOid field must be a unique id (e.g UUID). Why did US v. Assange skip the court of appeal? Balance not enough, please first deposit at least 2 USDT before you start the battle, Stop order quantity limit exceeded (limit: xxx, current: xxx). What is the KuCoin bonus program? A limit order is a type of order that allows the buyer or seller to purchase or sell assets at a specified price or size. Limit is an order to buy or sell a currency at a specific price or better. If any part of the order is going to pay taker fee, the order will be fully rejected. Setting a stop limit on Kucoin is a two-step process. There are three types of messages at present: message (the commonly used messages for push), notice (the notices general used), and command (consecutive command). If the stock gaps above $1.2, the order will not be filled. An error will occur if the specified time window exceeds the range. You can manage the API permission on KuCoin Futuress official website. It is not recommended to use this topic any more. KuCoin Futures implements IEPR(Immediately Executable Price Range) rule, in which the price of a buy order cannot be higher than 1.05 * mark price, and the price of a sell order cannot be lower than 0.95 * mark price. After subscription, when there are changes in the order book, the system will push the real-time ticker symbol information to you. you assume the support price is 1.0666 USDT would not continue to increase when it breaks through the support price, then you could sell it when the price reaches to support price. /contractMarket/level2), privateChannel is available. Kucoin Stop Limit Sell. If not specified, all the limit orders will be deleted. 2020.08.24. add 20 or 100 depth API for level2 . 565), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. These are trading options that allow traders to buy or sell tokens, or to reduce the risk in any transaction. GET /api/v1/transfer-list?currentPage=1&pageSize=50&status=PROCESSING. 4. When placing an iceberg order, you need to set the visible size. You can also use one server to bind multiple ip addresses (ipv4 or ipv6), and then use different ip for different sub-accounts. When the market is relatively calm, KuCoin Trailing Stop Loss results are stable. The order id is the server-assigned order id, not the specified clientOid. Finally, your stop limit might not be working because of a technical issue on Kucoins end. 3.code: 429000, kucoin stand-alone capacity limit. For example, if the current market price for KCS is 0.96263 USDT and you plan to buy a sum of KCS valued 1000 USDT without setting prices, you can place the order as a market order. While there is a strict access frequency control for REST API, we highly recommend that API users utilize Websocket to get the real-time data. , enter 0.95 USDT in the price edit box and 100 KCS in the quantity edit box. So if you want to learn how to set, use or create a Stop-Limit Order to set up a stop loss and take profit order on KuCoin, this video is the video you are looking for!Timestamps:0:00 How To Use Stop Limit Order on KuCoin1:02 Example #1 ( Buy Stop Order)1:54 Example #2 ( Buy Stop Order)2:29 Example #3 (Take Profit Order)3:04 Example #4 (Stop Loss Order)3:46 OutroI hope this tutorial - in which I showed you how to use Stop-Limit Order on KuCoin - was helpful. In contrast to the native trailing stop order, the trailing stop order from Good Crypto does not freeze a users balance. For example, if you have a trailing stop loss order for 10% below the market price, and the market price falls by 10%, your order will be triggered and your position will be sold. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? Binance, Bittrex, Poloniex, KuCoin, CEX, HitBTC, and Huobi Pro all have Trailing Stop Buy orders, which allow you to set a fixed percentage above the market price as the stop price. stop limit order on kucoin misunderstanding? If we had a video livestream of a clock being sent to Mars, what would we see? For GET, DELETE request, the endpoint needs to contain the query string. is an order placed to buy or sell a specified quantity of assets at a specified limit price or better. A completely filled order will be in done state. Find the next crypto gem on, People's Exchange. If this were the case, you would use the Trailing Order as a dynamic Stop Loss. While there are topic messages generated, the system will send the corresponding messages to the client side. A take-profit order is an order to sell a security when it reaches a certain price. KuCoin users may find that its fees are lower than those of other cryptocurrency providers. I have cancelled the order numerous times and reset the limit order well below current price but no matter what I do, the order won't get filled. The position is being liquidated, unable to place/cancel the order. KuCoin Help Center - Get 24/7 Customer Service from KuCoin Support Team KuCoin Help Center Reset 2FA Reset Trading Password Change/Unbind Phone Number Change/Unbind Email Freeze Account Export History Change Login Password FAQ View answers to frequently asked questions. *I know these are small amounts of money, but believe the principal would be the same with larger amounts. After the Stop Orders are activated, the order rules are the same as the rules for Limit Orders or Market Orders, orders might be canceled if there are insufficient funds, we suggest you do not ignore these risks in case the stop order can't be filled because of this. What are the arguments for/against anonymous authorship of the Gospels. I'm out, simply not worth it. all public market data), please make request as follows to obtain the server list and temporary public token: For private channels and messages (e.g. Sub-account name, create sub account name of API Key. This endpoint can be used to delete sub-account Futures APIs. However the code for 'REEF' (which is not commented) produces error: Find the market you want to trade in, and click on the pair you want to trade. Orders removed from the order book will be marked with done status. e.g. You will be asked to raise or lower the margin on your kucoin account depending on the overall risk level of the cross-margin account when a margin call occurs. New private channel (topic: /contractMarket/advancedOrders, subject: stopOrder) is added for stop orders. GET /api/v1/transaction-history, New parameters including a) memo (for coins without memo, no need to fill the memo field), and b) chain optional will be added to the response from the interface.
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