Later, you can get all of the time studies after EC10 with more time theorems. Reach 1e90 Infinity Points without having any Infinities or any 1st Antimatter Dimensions in your current Eternity. Both are top tier depending on playstyle. "Never again": You need to get a sum of IC times of 0.75 seconds or less. After this, do a bunch of quick runs for Eternity Milestones. At 4e18 Singularities, you unlock an autobuyer for Annihilation. When you are using the fastest strategy in the fastest sweetspot (both increasing AND decreasing 'Amount of IP to wait until' lowers your IP/min), you can leave the game running (or Autoclick/hold Max all to go ~1.5-3x faster). With your upcoming IP, get the upgrade Increase the multiplier for buying 10 dimensions 2x 2.2x for 1 IP, then go down the rest of the second column to get Antimatter Galaxies are twice as effective. Layer 1 strat: 5p (with AD x) or 4p1d (TTgen), Go AD path. It makes your Glyph level on Reality improve more than usual based on max Replicanti. Beware when decreasing the cap though, because if you have more DE than the previous cap and have auto Singularity on, doing so will auto-condense your DE for fewer Singularities, wasting the rest of it. Rift 1 is basically your replacement for the IP multiplier infinity upgrade. Well worth grabbing at least one, and perhaps multiple. 64 (active only 1x replicated galaxies effect, idle gain 10x less replicated galaxies, YOU NEED STUDY 213 TO POSSIBLY COMPLETE, these will gain 20x more replicated galaxies). (Hold shift on web to see Time Study numbers) Then the game will be much faster while automated (holding M still makes it slightly faster though). Fortunately that's a section of each Reality that tends to benefit a lot from some support, but unfortunately there's only a few notably strong effects on Dilation Glyphs. Smash the Break Infinity button, and the nature of the game will change - you can now continue PAST 1.8e308 antimatter, and many numbers can now be greater than 1.8e308. This build is basically faster than previous and uses the most optimal builds for pushing when accounting for black holes. Teresa 25 doesn't work in celestial realities so your automator should dilate if TP <= 10. Dimension Boost multiplier X [ ] - Another generally solid bonus. Recommended for: General use to help with everything. If you don't like them, import save, do 100-500 realities and try again. So until your iM cap reaches the price, you dont have to worry about it or the related strategy. The 4th column of infinity upgrades doesn't work on them, but everything under the Break Infinity tab does. As you might notice - the biggest challenge is getting Effarigs with good stat combo. To gain perk points as fast as possible, here's a Perk Points automator script by HELLOPERSON: Use the glyph build drrrr (dilation has all but dilated AD pow, replication have all but level). So, continue to do occasional IM/GL/Teresa/Sac cycles to improve your power, and spend the rest of your time progressing Ra. If you're not active, keep it on buy until 10. On mobile, you have to hold down the first dimension so it buys in singles or you can set the autobuyer to buy singles to complete this. RM goal: until you have 9 total, to buy all of row 1 once. Previous challenges that you have completed before will have to be completed again, until they are automatically completed in later eternities. Use 'Specified Effect' glyph filter to search for specific Effarigs. All achievements up to some or all of row 12, and possibly some row 13 achievements. Get Time Study 51 now. You should now have e15 EP and be close to the end of this section. If you get stuck during the suggested order, you can try to do V-Achievements slightly out of order, stop and farm now, use more black hole charge, spend perk points to lower the requirement, or you might need a better or different Effarig glyph. When you are ready, turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and don't buy any replicanti galaxies manually. A few extra TTs really smooths out the early eternity phase a bit, but there are better options for that usually. You can click the button and hold enter or use an autoclicker. card classic compact. (1e294 or 1 SpNn is the last pair of Eighths you can get at this moment). Generally, a good rule to follow is this: If you can't do anymore ECs, you probably should buy more TT and other upgrades. This will get you over 1e100 (10 DTg) IP easily as a result, but you are not done with the infinity challenges yet. It should complete very quickly if you did it right. 'Ludicrous Speed' - May be hard to get, but eventually with more progress, you can get it, by setting big crunch to 1e200, getting the most ID upgrades you can, and including replicanti. GOTCHAS: Make sure to not have your black hole accidentally charging when it's not relevant. When you get enough IP, buy the Break Infinity upgrade Makes galaxies 50% stronger for 5e11. 1.4-1.5k is just fine otherwise. The rest of the bonuses help with glyph level increasing. Once you beat this challenge, you won't have to worry about these challenges again (until Reality). If you can't continue to step 5. If it's fun, why do you have to wait so long for it? Requirement format: (Teresa lvl, Effarig lvl, Nameless lvl), RM, GL, Alchemy cap, Glyph sac. Each Alchemy Resource has a unique effect, which . This also has to do with enough progression and EP. Nameless 25 makes game speed runs less relevant but it can still give a small push for runs that use reality glyphs, and a big push for runs that use less than 5 glyphs or are in Realities that dilate game speed. Once your way far behind glyphs are updated - it should be good enough to this time farm RM yet again. This is just a recommendation. For the rest of your purchases, buy replication chance upgrades up to 9% and the rest in interval, if possible. After that you might push, then do EC1, completion 2, with a full tree or very nearly so, and then do EC3, with TD and the Idle path. After unlocking the 8th time dimension and getting all achievements, just keep trying to increase EP so you can get 1e4000 and unlock reality. Heres some fun nerd stats: Before, antimatter was growing polynomially at a (IMPOSSIBLE without TS31), 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,171,181, For each EC, just experiment with the time studies. Use Infinity for all ECs, except EC9 (Time), EC10 (Power), EC11 (Power) and EC12 (Rep). Receommended for: Early use to speed up eternity grinding, The Eternal Flow, possibly glyph levels if you have nothing better. By then, you're ready for EC4. Next, unlock the Imaginary Upgrade Absolute Annulment. You will see small boosts to your IP/min production for doing this, but not forever, because the superexponential cost increases for dimensions post-infinity mean that, for example, you won't need to bulk buy more than 64x eighth dimensions for a VERY long time. Unfortunately, this part is very slow. Completing IC5 will continue the increase of IP, making galaxies 10% stronger and reducing requirements for galaxies and dimensional boosts by 1 8th dimension. When you speed up you're basically gonna have to fight TS141 for the completion. Your goal is now to reach ~e11 at which point your black holes are very close to being permanent(90-95%), This allows you to more or less safely change automator into a far superior and essentially 'final' build which should be used for nearly everything with small changes. '2 MILLION INFINITIES' - Just wait and turn on your crunch autobuyer on and set your update rate to 33ms in options. My first one lowered run time 1.3>1s and 2nd one lowered 2s>1s. 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,161,171. Let's Go Luna! This makes it much less complex than it might seem. Which is not too strong and you are in for a slog to actually do anything in V. You should be able to buy one instantly and this should push you to ~e53 RM upgrades pretty fast. The downside? When you Big Crunch for the 1st time, you will automatically obtain the First Dimension Autobuyer. You will earn more IP on Big Crunch the more antimatter you make. If you want to keep doing progress, import this build in Time Studies tab: (At this point, you should have a time studies setup like this), 11,21,31,41,51,22,32,42,33,61,62,72,82,92,102,73,83,93,103,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,211,212,213,214,201,72,82,92,102,222,224,226,228,232,234|0. At around 1e135 IP, start C2. Firstly, don't go into c8 yet. About this game. After EC7, you should be able to do EC3, completion 3, followed by EC1, completion 4. Around 9e27 Singularities and Lv 27.2k Glyphs, you can unlock the Imaginary Upgrade Existential Elimination. (IMO 3 RM is best so you can get tachyon particle and replicanti upgrades). If you're far, focus on Continuum mult/Singularities. Before starting challenge - store time in etttt for a few seconds. You will have a lot of replicanti galaxies that benefit the Active path more than the Idle path. Each triad study is better than the last, in general. t With enough unspent IP, your first dimension multiplier should be well over 100x, negating the challenge debuff entirely. Basically, you should get the smallest time records possible and minimize your record times. Go for TD + ID + Idle or Active, and with the light/dark always choose the study on the right. Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges. Spend the antimatter on getting the new Infinity Dimension, and then spend 1e9 IP, to unlock the 2nd Infinity Dimension. If you are going to use the waiting method, it is time consuming, so you should choose the Automatic Big Crunch challenge to complete the achievement, as it is faster and requires less waiting. Active players can micro-optimize delaying Ascend, idle players can just automatically Ascend. By this point, you will start to be able to afford a full tree. Equip d and enter Lai'Tela's reality. Go to Dimensions > Time Dimensions. At this point, you should have most of the challenges done (5 challenges of the past 10 eternity challenges), and up to some or all of the row 12 achievements. Speeds up the early phases moreso than later, but it's a nice bonus always. As you'll be producing antimatter from start to end of Realities, these end up being a good all-arounder Glyph that doesn't have too many specific niche uses, but also is usually going to be worth slotting 1-3 in fairly often. Existential Elimination improves your Annihilation multiplier gain, so this is a good time to do spam instant annihilations. Infinity Point gain X [ ] - More IP is always nice, but the values on this aren't all that high. Technically you can get EU2 as well, value is approx same IMO, but I prefer achievement line first. Another thing of note is that you'll probably spend a lot of time waiting for SMs. Which translates into ~19 RM. You also have a second button, Store real time. How to use Annihilation optimally: At first, do 2-3min annihilations. First, get near the end of the Challenge and turn off all Autobuyers. After Infinity the game has just begun, as there are much, much more to . If you're close, try increasing sac or black hole time. I spent ~2 hours farming and got everything I wanted aside of a good no RM/glyph effarig. Also check that Auto Eternity Challenges is on. The paths TD/Active may be powerful for grinding EP, at some point that it will increase EP faster than TD/Idle (depends on the person/their preference), but each path will be important in how you will progress. You are most likely not to get under 200 seconds (you'll have to grind to 1e1300 EP for it). You must do this instead of Boosting as it is more important to get more Galaxies than to get more Boosts.
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